Chapter 31: Sam's New Life

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Optimus Prime: We were once a peaceful race of intelligent, mechanical beings. But then... came the war, between the Autobots who fought for freedom... and the Decepticons who dreamed of tyranny. Overmatched and outnumbered, our defeat was all but certain. But in the war's final days, one Autobot ship escaped the battle. It was carrying a secret cargo which would have changed our planet's fate A desperate mission. Our final hope. A hope... that vanished.

The Ark, a Cybertronian spacecraft carrying an invention capable of ending the war between the philanthropic Autobots and the malevolent Decepticons, crash lands on the dark side of Earth's Moon. On Earth, the crash is detected on Earth by NASA, and President John F. Kennedy authorizes a mission to put a man on the Moon as a cover for investigating the craft.

VLA Radio Observatory - New Mexico, 1961

Analyst 1: One up there. One over there. And one more down there.

Analyst 2: What you got?

NASA Analyst: Impact detected. We have impact confirmed... Contact at... twenty-two-fifty GMT.

NASA Director: What? Get me Sec-Def on the phone right away.

A paper is printed, and he gives it to another person as the president arrives.

President Aide: Mr. McNamara, the President is expecting you.

President Kennedy: Get Bobby in here.

McNamara: Mr. President. Designation top secret. We believe a UFO has crashed into the Moon. We think the Russians are onto it as well.

President Kennedy: Well, then you tell NASA to move heaven and earth. We need to get to the moon.

McNamara: We're going to attempt a manned mission. NASA said it would take five years.

President Kennedy: You get there before the Russians.

The president makes a speech.

President Kennedy: I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

Apollo 11 gets ready to launch to the moon.

Countdown Guy: Ten, nine- Ignition sequence start. Five, four, three, two, one. All engines running. Liftoff. We have a liftoff. Thirty-two minutes past the hour. Liftoff on Apollo 11...

Apollo 11 goes to the moon.

Neil: Neil Armstrong reporting Apollo 11 on proper heading.

Walter: Apollo 11 is on the way, riding that pillar of flame from the Saturn Five out there two hundred and fifty miles away where the moon is waiting for man 's first arrival.

NASA Officer: Houston, you're a go for landing. Over. Neil Armstrong: Forty feet, down two and a half. Picking up some dust. Thirty feet, two and a half down. Faint shadow.

Buzz: Capcom, flight. Four forward. Drifting to the right a little. Down a half. Contact light. Okay, engine stop.

Apollo 11 lands on the Moon.

Neil: Houston, uh, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.

Everyone in NASA cheers.

NASA Officer: We copy you down, Eagle. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We're breathing again.

Neil brings out a handbook which is top secret.

Walter: Perhaps four hundred million persons are watching this broadcast today of the greatest event in our time and one of the great events of all recorded history.

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