Chapter 26: Sam's Outburst

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Sam and his classmates arrive at a frat party.

Leo: First frat party's the game changer, boys, we're hunting in the wild now. So, get your game faces on.

Sam: I can't stay long. I have a webcam date with my girlfriend.

Fassbinder: That's so cool.

Leo: No, it's not.

They enter as the party.

Leo: Woh-ho-ho. While he's making out with his MacBook, I'm gonna be getting my Spitzy freaky freak on. Let's roll.

Sharksky: She's hot.

Fassbinder: Bro, we're hunting!

Mikaela gets ready for her first web chat date.

Mikaela's Dad: See you, darling.

Mikaela: Bye, Dad. O-kay.

She looks at her dog.

Mikaela: This is our first live chat date. I've never done it before. I'm kind of nervous.

Sam looks at the cake and he sees Cybertron symbols. He uses the frosting to write down what he is seeing. Alice notices.

Alice: Are you okay?

Sam: No. Ah, hm- I was getting a napkin for my drink. Thanks. Cheers.

Alice: It's Sam, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Alice: I wanna dance.

Sam: What, like... like dancing? Like a pairing? Like a duo? Like a coupling? 'Cause I'm in a permanently, uh, semi, semi... I'm in a relationship, kind of...

Alice: Oh, relax. I just want to have some fun.

Sam: You wanna have some fun? Yeah, okay. Let's play some checkers. You can sit over there and...

Alice pushes the chair he's sitting on and sits on him.

Sam: Oh, oh, my...

Alice: So, how about tonight you pretend I'm your girlfriend and I pretend that you're my boyfriend?

Mikaela waits for Sam but nothing.

Senior Student: Hey! Who drove the freaking yellow Camaro? Huh? There is a car on the lawn!

Sam runs out and sees Bumblebee in his car form. Sam runs towards him.

Sam: What are you doing?

Bumblebee: Houston, we have a problem.

Sam: What is it?

Senior Student: Freshman!

Sam: Yeah?

Senior Student: That your car in our bushes?

Sam: No, there's a- there's a friend of mine, he just went to, ah, to get you a tighter shirt.

Shorter Senior Student: There isn't a tighter shirt! We checked. Now how about I park my foot in your ass?

Sam: What size shoe do you wear?

Shorter Senior Student: Yeah?

Senior Student: Oh, you want? You want-

Sam: Hold on.

Senior Student: You wanna try?

Sam: I'll back it up right now.

Sam gets in the car as his roommates come out and see the car.

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