Final Chapter: The Final War

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Megatron returns to the Ignition Chamber where Quintessa is waiting.

Megatron: I have found your staff of power.

Quintessa: There is only one who can hurt us. I felt her. She must not enter.

Megatron: My army will stop them.

Quintessa: Watch as our world heals and theirs dies. A world reborn!

She plugs the staff into the floor, and lightning starts arcing about.

Santos: It's coming.

The pieces of Cybertron start moving about and joining, causing those on the ground to run for their lives.

Cade: It's gonna crush us. Get that ship clear of the crush zone now!

Lennox: We got to bail!

Santos: Move to the ospreys!

All the soldiers, humans and Autobots run.

Santos: Move, move, move! To the ospreys!

Hound: That thing's gonna roll right over us! Move!

Female Reporter: Preliminary numbers are starting to come in. Literally scraping away cities. Millions will die.

Massive worldwide destruction ensues.

Man 1: It's using Earth's geothermal energy to reconstitute, to rebuild itself, all right? If our core cools, which is rapidly cooling right now, the magnetic field dissolves, exposing us to high levels of cosmic radiation. Maybe you'll understand this. The Earth becomes a microwave. We're the popcorn. Jiffy pop bag goes boom. We fry.

As the Autobot ship carries Autobots, knights, Y/N's Ancestors and humans up to their fates, they all gear up.

Drift: Very mean-looking.

Hound: They look like wusses to me.

Bumblebee: No, they all messed up.

Lennox: Two minutes! Hey, two minutes!

Izabella: That thing kill Decepticons?

TRF Solider: No. We do.

Viviane: "A few brave warriors willing to sacrifice all." I told my students that was bullshit.

Lennox: Load out, let's go!

Viviane was about to leave but Cade stopped her.

Cade: What are you doing tomorrow?

Viviane: Are you asking me that now?

Cade: Yeah, I am. No plans? Good.

Viviane: Get in the plane.

Female Solider: Let's go, let's go!

Lennox: Let's step it up!

Charlie: Strap in. It's gonna be a rough ride.

They all begin to strap into their seats.

Viviane: Tighter.

TFS Solider: I'm gonna hook you up.

Cade: Pull it down tight, right? Just this one? You jump then pull this, right?

Viviane: This is the one I pull, right?

Cade: Pull? Just pull it? You just pull it as hard as you can?

Charlie: Are you all right?

Cade: Can I borrow your cell phone? I've got to text my daughter.

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