Chapter 22: The Rise of Megatron

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Frenzy arrives where Sam, Mikaela, Maggie, and Glenn are.

Lennox: Team attention! Present arms!

Keller: At ease. Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work.

Lennox: Thank you, sir. What about the gunships?

Keller: They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now. If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. But, uh, it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up.

Simmons: Hey, kid. I think we got off to a bad start, huh? You must be hungry? You want a latte? Ho-Ho? Double venti macchiato?

Sam: Where's Y/N?

Banachek: Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know. We need to know it now.

Sam: Okay. But first, I'll take my friend, Y/N, my parents. Maybe you should write that down. Oh, and her juvie record. That's got to be gone. Like, forever.

Banachek: Come with me. We'll talk about your friend.

Mikaela: Thank you.

Simmons: Man's an extortionist.

They enter the building.

Simmons: All right, here's the situation. You've all had direct contact with the NBEs.

Epps: NBEs?

Simmons: Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms.

Banachek: What you're about to see is totally classified.

They see the frozen body of Megatron.

Keller: Dear God. What is this?

Banachek: We think when he made his approach over the north pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934.

Simmons: We call him NBE-One.

Sam: Well, sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but- I mean, that's Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons.

Banachek: He's been in cryostasis since 1935. Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind.

Simmons: Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age. The microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars, all reverse-engineered by studying him. NBE-One. That's what we call it.

Keller: And you didn't think the United States military might need to know that you're keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?

Banachek: Until these events, we had no credible threat to national security.

Keller: Well, you got one now.

Lennox: So why Earth?

Sam: It's the Allspark.

Keller: Allspark? What is that?

Sam: Well, yeah, they came here looking for some sort of cube-looking thing. Anyway, mister NBE-One here, a.k.a. Megatron, that's what they call him, who's pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the Cube to transform human technology to take over the universe. That's their plan.

Simmons: And you're sure about that?

Sam: Yeah... You guys know where it is, don't you?

Banachek: Follow me.

They lead them away.

Simmons: You're about to see our crown jewel.

They are led into another room, and they see the Allspark.

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