Chapter 1

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Cecelia Rosson. An average woman who has never married. Works in a well known coffee shop, in a town no one's heard of. Very sweet, and very timid. Fairly pretty. Blonde hair, and green eyes. Fair skin, a dazzling smile, and very in shape. Lives in a small apartment on the edge of town.

Kayleene Edge. Bold, fierce. Ruthless. Beautiful and single. Blonde hair, fierce green eyes. Fair skin and a smile that could make almost any weak-minded man stop in their tracks. Very strong, physically and emotionally. Always on high-alert, and always has her guard up. Lives in a small apartment on the edge a town. She's a Ghost.

I suppose I should explain. I'm not actually a spirit. I work for a secret organisation with no name. While we're positioned across the globe, the main headquarters are in the town I live in. Or, rather, Cecelia does. I have two identities. Cecelia is like my permanent alias. Kayleene Edge is the name I chose when I became a Ghost.

My real identity died in a car crash, and my old life with it. I was moved here, to the town of Bedford- a small town somewhere in the United States. No one's heard of it, and as such, we don't get many tourists. Not that we would, anyways; Bedford isn't very intriguing. The perfect place to start my new life.

I smile at the man infront of me. "Hello, John," I say.

"Hello, Cecelia. The usual, please."

I nod and start on his coffee. I was the only one working at the moment, my co-workers being on break.

"They dumped the place on you again, didn't they?" John asks.

"Yes, they did," I say with a small laugh. I put the lid on his coffee and hand it to him.

He hands me his card, and I swipe it. "Are you going to the Town Barbeque tonight?"

"Possibly," I say with a small shrug. I hand him his card and lean against the counter. "Are you?"

"It depends on the wife," John says with a small shrug. "She keeps changing her mind about it."

I laugh. "She's been trying to decide for what, three weeks, now?"

"Yes, and it's honestly tiring. Women and their fickle minds."

I tilt my head, an amused smile playing at my lips. "Is that so?"

He laughs. "Excluding you, of course."

I laugh with him, and shake my head in amusement. "I'll see you at the Barbeque, John."

He walks away. "Maybe," He calls as he walks out.

I look around the empty cafe, sighing softly. If I hadn't become a Ghost, this would have been my life. Of course, probably not here. I was moved here so that I wouldn't be found alive. And so that I could become a Ghost, of course. It had always been a dream of mine to own a cafe. Or, a dream of the old me, rather. I had had to abandon my dreams to become who I am now.

"Morning, Cecelia," A voice chirps, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh. Good morning, Lisa," I say with a smile.

She smiles back. "What were you thinking about?"

Lisa was the town gossip. She was always looking for something to tell others. "Nothing new," I say with a shrug.

She nods. "I'll have an espresso, please."

I nod and start on her coffee.

"Are you going to the Barbeque tonight?"

"I don't know," I answer. "I might, depending on some things."

"What things?"

I shrug, handing her her espresso. She hands me her money, and I count it before putting it in the register. "I was thinking about staying home and reading," I say.

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