Chapter 6

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I gasp as the bullet pierces my stomach.

"Kayleene!" I hear Keith's horrified voice, as he rushes over to me.

Zander looks as horrified as I my legs buckle, and I fall, into Keith's arms.

I keep my eyes open, staring at the ceiling. Keith's face appears in my vision, as does Kirsten's.

They're saying something. What are they saying?

"Kayleene, can you hear me?"

"Kayleene, can you..."

My eyes shut, and their voices fade.

I wake up in my room in the Facility. I look around, sitting up carefully. Due to the advanced medical abilities of our Organisation, my wound is already healing, and numb, even though I know the numbness isn't going to last. I notice Keith, asleep in a chair on the other side of my room.

"Keith..." I mumble softly. I slip out of bed, looking down at the shapeless night gown I'm wearing. Obviously Kirsten's. I sigh and grab the robe from my nightstand, slipping it on and tying the sash securely around my waist.

I sigh again, walking into my office, knowing Kirsten will be there.

I'm right.

She looks at me from a small chair, her tired expression telling me all I need to know about how late it is.

"You shouldn't have waited," I tell her.

"And yet, I did. As you expected me to."

"Well, I know you." I sit in my chair, looking at her. "As much as I dislike it, I know you'd put your discomfort aside to make sure I wake up. Totally futile, as we both know that a bullet won't keep me down, but a kind gesture, if there ever was one."

She smiles thinly. "Keith was worried sick. More so than myself."

"Of course he was. He just lost his best friend, and he doesn't want to lose me so shortly afterwards."

She tilts her head. " You're so calm about the fact that you just got shot, less than twelve hours ago."

I shrug. "We both know I've been through worse. I'm numb to it at this point."

There's a knock on the door, and Kirsten allows them to enter.

When Zander comes in, and sees me sitting there, I see flickers of many expressions crossing his face. The main one is relief. Relief that I'm alive, and relief that he won't be held accountable for my death. The penalty for killing a Ghost is huge. Not that he'd be held accountable, anyways. It was an accident. Wasn't it?

"You're awake," he says at last.

"I am," I respond.

He nods, and takes his spot on the wall.

I close my eyes and inhale sharply as the pain hits. So much for being numb... I look up at Kirsten.

"Why does the pain always hit after you finally relax?" I ask, my voice tight with the sudden onslaught of pain.

She makes a face. "I've always wondered the same thing."

I laugh. "You should get some rest." I glance at Zander, noticing the dark rings under his eyes. "The both of you."

Kirsten frowns. "You sure you'll be okay?"

I roll my eyes. "Please. Like anything's going to happen to me. In case you've forgotten, Keith's here too. Nothing's going to happen. Also? I can take care of myself. Go get some sleep. You both look like you haven't slept in days."

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