Chapter 21

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We walk through the house, with no sign of anyone. No one in any of the rooms. Still, my stomach churns. 

"Something's not right," I say. "Aside from the obvious that Lisa, Alice and Sheriff Johnson are missing, of course."

"Agreed," Keith says. There's a crash in the garage. "Maybe we should check that out?"

"Probably a good idea," I agree.

We walk into the garage, and flick on the lights. Alice, Lisa and Sheriff Johnson lay there, gagged and unconscious. A man sits in the corner of the garage, a gun in his hand, and a smirk on his face.

"Kayleene Edge, and Keith Worthington," he says. "It is a certain pleasure to meet your acquaintance. However, I sadly have to say that I only came here for Kayleene. Keith, to save yourself some pain, I suggest you leave."

Keith stands close to me. "I'm not going anywhere, and Kayleene isn't going with anyone except me."

I'm silent for a moment, calculating the odds of this situation. It only takes me a moment to come to a decision.

"Keith," I mutter, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. "He has a gun, and I have pepper spray. I'm in a dress and flats, and you're in a dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. He's in proper fighting attire. He also, as I have mentioned, has a gun. And hostages." I let go of his hand and put my pepper spray away.

"Kayleene," he mutters, but stops himself when he sees the look in my eyes. I hand him my purse and sigh. 

"You're to get back to the Facility and tell them to put the plan into action. Tell them I have been compromised, but don't go into further detail than that, even if Kirsten asks you to. You're to answer nothing except what I would answer. No details are to be given out to anyone. Go to my apartment first, and grab the bag I have in my bathroom. Keep that without opening it, until you see me again, or until I've been pronounced dead. Do this without question, Keith."

"You're a trial, Kayleene," he says, taking my purse. 

"I know." I look at him for a moment longer, before looking back at the man. Keith walks away without another word, and I hear the door slam behind me.

"Kayleene Edge," he says with a grin. "I've always heard you were beautiful, and that you could stop man in his tracks, with one meager smile. I can see the first part myself."

I shrug. "Only weak-minded men fall for the second part. Now, please, if we're on a first name basis, I'd like to know your name."

He grins. The man is kind of handsome, though with the obvious lust in his dark eyes, somewhat unattractive at the same time. "My name is Lawrence Duvall."

"Lawrence. Interesting name. So, why did you attack these innocent people, Lawrence?"

"Well, I figured you'd fight less when you realized that I could kill any one of these three people." He shrugs. "I love that dress, by the way. No wonder your boyfriend didn't want to leave you alone with me." He grins again.

I sigh. "He's not my boyfriend. Why does everyone say that? My goodness, he's my friend, and that's all there is to it."

"So you're on the market?" Lawrence asks, with the raise of an eyebrow.

"Not a chance, bud. I try to make it a habit of not hooking up with people trying to lead me to my ultimate demise. And, even if that wasn't the case, why would I even want you? The lust in your eyes is obvious, and you'd be ready to jump out of your pants if I allowed it. Which, by the way, I won't. Lustful people such as yourself disgust me." I shrug.

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