Chapter 32

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It's been a week since Kirsten's death, and I still can't come to the conclusion that the points leading up to her death weren't because of me. I know of course, somewhere in this battle-hardened brain of mine, that it wasn't me. I wasn't supposed to know that Jordan Mills was a rapist and murderer, or that he'd turn out to be a... well, whatever you call someone of his caliber. 

I wasn't to know that he spent his days locked away, plotting his revenge on that Ghost for spoiling his misdeeds, or plotting revenge on me for turning on him in the end. But had I not stood by him through the entire thing? Had I not put my faith solely in him? And had he not betrayed my trust? 

It's not my fault, not really. But, I also know that because I put so much trust in him, it led to Kirsten's downfall, as well as Jared's, Mira's, and Lucas's. 

I mull over this as I write my letter of Leave, which, if accepted, will allow me a few months to self-reflect and get away from the whole thing. I'm opting for a year, but I know it's not likely to work that way. They'll probably give me six months at the most, and that's even if it's accepted. 

Keith walks into our office, and leans against my chair, peering over my shoulder. I flip the paper over to the blank side and look up at him.

"Nosy, much?" I ask.

"Secretive, much?"

"Yes, well, you're still keeping things from me, so I'm entitled to this."

He nods. "I know." He doesn't deny that he's keeping something anything from me. 

"How was the debriefing?"

"Interesting. I find it hard to believe that Zander was the one who lured me there to kill both Kirsten and I, yet he didn't want to hurt you."

"It is curious, isn't it? I want to punch him everytime I hear that, but I also want to laugh in his face for thinking that he could honestly get away with something like that."

"Mm hmm. I also heard that you were the one who took him out."

"I was. Did they tell you how I happened to be there at the right time?"

"No, actually. I don't think anyone knows that for sure."

"Intuition. I knew that something was off the moment you went to go to talk to Kirsten. Broke direct orders to save you."


"I thought you'd appreciate it."

"Of course. You saved my life, and your lips touched mine." He winks.

I laugh. "You're still caught up on that?"

"Of course, Love. We were close to kissing. It was a dream come true."

We both laugh this time, and he reaches for my paper. I let him take it. I adjust my chair so that I can face him without having to strain my neck.

"A year?"

"I only want six months, but you know them. They cut whatever you want in half. So, I had to go for a year."

"Seems fair enough," he says with a shrug, handing the paper to me. "Will you be leaving Bedford?"

"I don't know, honestly. I think I want to make my appearance known to them before leaving the state, if I do end up leaving."

He nods. "I can see that."

"Your turn."


"I shared with you, so you have to share with me. It's only fair."

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