Chapter 18

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I make my way to Kirsten's chambers, not really looking forwards to speaking to her again. Of course, I have to - Kirsten's my boss. Though, that doesn't mean I should want to speak to her.

She had recovered quickly, from what I've been told. Apparently, the poison had disappeared soon after our little argument. Convenient.

I walk up to the familiar giant grey doors, which open as I near. I walk in, to see Kirsten talking to Zander in her unnecessary living room. I note that the two of them have been spending quite a lot of time together. I wonder if that's so Kirsten can keep an eye on him because she deemed me untrustworthy, or for another reason completely. Probably the former.

"Kayleene," Kirsten says when she sees me.

I bow my head in greeting, before looking back up at her. "Ms. Lorraine." My voice is strictly professional, showing exactly what I think about her.

Zander stands, and walks from the room without a word.

I remain standing, in the professional manner that I haven't had to use since the previous Head Ghost. It's been three years, and I still have the best posture in the Facility.

"You can sit down, Kayleene," Kirsten says. "You've been standing for over an hour."

As much as I hate to admit it, sitting down seems appealing. So, that's what I do. I sit in a chair across from Kirsten, still maintaining my perfect posture.

"I don't suppose I can convince you to drop the act?"

"You are the Head Ghost, and as such, you are superior to me. This means I have to do anything you tell me," is my response. When asked rather stupid questions by the Head Ghost, this is the response.

"Then, as such, I want to talk to my friend Kayleene, not the emotionless drone before me."

I look at her, my posture relaxing slightly. "Your friend Kayleene is no longer existent," I say. "That was ruined when you accused her of treason."

"You're still stuck on that, then?"

"You accused me of treason, Ms. Lorraine. You tell me."

"Kayleene, I'm sorry about that, I truly am. I... With Lucile, then Dustin... You have to understand my suspicion."

"I don't have to, Ms. Lorraine. I don't have to, and I don't. Betraying the Facility would be betraying the Organization, which would be betraying my friends. Betraying my friends would include betraying Keith. Now, tell me honestly; do you really think I could do that to him?"

She looks away. "That certainly wasn't one of my better judgments..."

"No, it wasn't. You can see why I'm angry about it, can't you?"

"I... Yes. I can. I'm truly sorry, Kayleene."

I tilt my head. "Ms. Lorraine, you wanted to speak to me about something. What was it?"

"We need to do something about this... we need to plan."

I don't respond immediately. When I do, my tone is soft. "We know nothing about them, Ms. Lorraine. We don't know where they reside, or what their plans are. What... Oh. Oh."

Kirsten nods. "I give you full permission."

"You're letting me do this? Ms. Lorraine, as much as I appreciate it, this is the man who tried killing me. You really think leaving me alone with him is a good idea?"

"I truly don't care, at this point. But, if it bothers you, you can take Keith along with you."

I nod. "Thank you, Ms. Lorraine. I'll come back when I have more news."

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