Chapter 14

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The next morning, Keith isn't at the cafe when I walk in for my shift. I don't think much of it. I walk behind the counter, putting on my apron as I do so.

"Morning, Cecelia," Julia chirps, her tone happier than usual.

I smile. "Morning, Julia."

I take my spot behind the counter, observing the costumers. We have the usual. There's John, who's accompanied by his wife Lily, Officer Riley, a woman of principles much like myself, Daren, the officer who drove me home last Friday, and Lisa. Then, there's the man in the corner, who's face I can't make out. I immediately note to keep an eye on him.

"Who's the guy in the corner?" I ask, keeping my voice low and turning to Julia. 

She shrugs. "He came into town last week, from what I've heard. He's staying in the motel, at the moment, but he keeps asking around about a house for sale."

I raise an eyebrow. "One week in a town that's not even on the map, with people you don't even know, and he's looking to buy a house? You're sure?"

"Almost certain. Why do you ask?"

I shrug. "New faces tend to make me uneasy." Which has a double-meaning that only a Ghost understands. 

She nods. "Understandable."

I turn back to the room, and John catches my eye. He nods his greeting, and I nod back. I smile at his wife, a fickle woman who's always either at her husband's side, or at home, doing whatever she does there. She's a slender woman, with hazel eyes, light brown hair, and soft lips that make her seem younger than her thirty-three years of age. A very deep contrast to her husband, John, who's thirty-seven, fairly built, with black hair, blue eyes and a very friendly, outgoing personality. 

 He was one of the first men to warmly welcome me to the town without trying to hook up with me. Understandable, seeing as how he's deeply in love with his wife. 

John says something to his wife, before standing and walking over to the counter. "I heard about what happened on Friday. Are you alright?" His voice is low, more in respect than anything else.

I smile softly. "I'm fine, John. It was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A little terrifying, if I'm honest, but I'll live."

He nods. "Good. I'd hate to see you turn into one of those women terrified of stepping out of their home, for fear that something awful's going to happen."

I laugh softly. "What, you mean like a pessimist? I'm no pessimist, John. Thank you for your concern, though."

He nods again, and walks back to his table.

I shake my head in amusement, looking at Julia. She's staring at  the space in front of her, a dream-like smile on her face, and a distracted look in her eyes. 

"Good night, Julia?" There's amusement in my voice. 

She looks at me, her cheeks growing as red as tomatoes. "You could say that, yes."

I laugh softly. "You know, perhaps you should take the day off, Julie. I can hold down the fort until Mason gets here."

"No, I couldn't do that! You'll be swamped!"

I smile. "Don't worry about it. You're too distracted to work."

"But what if-"

"Anyone who asks will be notified that you weren't feeling well, and went home early." I wink at her.

"But... Mason doesn't start his shift for another five hours!"

I shrug. "So? When you two dump the place on me, I manage just fine. Also, you can hardly pour coffee without almost spilling it, because you're so sick. I'll be fine alone. You need your rest if you're going to get better." 

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