Chapter 24

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Keith's P.O.V

I walk through the Facility, heading for my office, when my phone rings.

I pause in the corridor and answer. "Yes?"

"Keith? Are you back yet?" It's Kirsten.

"I just got back."

"Great. Can you head to the Prison Room?"

"Let me change and I'll be right there."


"Of course, Ms. Lorraine."

I hang up and slip my phone into my back pocket. I walk to my office and change into a white T-shirt, jeans, and my leather jacket.


I make it to the Prison Room and nod to the Guard on duty.

He nods back and lets me through. I walk in and see Wilder on his knees in front of Kirsten. She looks furious.

"You rang, Ms. Lorraine?"

"He's admitted to his crimes," she says softly. "He was working with them the whole time."

"I see."

She looks at me and I notice the hint of tears in her eyes. "He also knows something involving Kayleene."

The way she says it... It's something bad. I just hope it isn't what I think it is.

"Get on with it then," I say to Wilder, my voice devoid of any emotion. But Kirsten knows my anxiety. She knows me well. Not as well as Kayleene, mind you, but well enough.

"I... Err..."

"I swear to God, if you do not stop the stuttering, I will end your miserable existence," I snarl, all too fed up with this pathetic version of a man.

He pales, obviously considering my threat to be true. "You know where she resides. You can get to her in a day, but not before they do what they've intended to do."

"And what might that be?" I ask, my fury and anxiety rising ever so slightly.

"You may get to her before she dies, but not before they ruin her mind."

"You'd better start making sense," I tell him, my fists clenching. If he is implying what I think he's implying...

"I will not go into detail, but Kayleene Edge will no longer be who she used to be when you reach her. Her mind will be in turmoil. She will, essentially, be dead. By the time you get to her, Kayleene Edge will be no more."

He's trying to psych you out. It's just a game. He'll do anything at this point; he's desperate. He wants to throw us off. It's part of the plan. Don't let it get to you. Kayleene will be there when you get to her. You'll just have to work faster. Don't let him get to you. Don't let him win. You're trained to recognize bluff. This is bluff.

Then why do I feel such a cold sense of dread? Why do I feel like he's not lying?

He's got nothing to lose. He's going to try to psych you out, because he know that you'll get overwhelmed and kill him before you can properly punish him. He's doing it so that Kirsten will let in and surrender to them. Don't fall for it. You're stronger than that. Have faith in Kayleene.

Have faith in Kayleene. I have the utmost faith in her. I don't doubt her strength. But, like all humans, she has weaknesses. I've witnessed a few of them these past few weeks. It will only take one to make her succumb to whatever they have in store for her - no matter how much I'd like to think otherwise.

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