Chapter 12

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I look at the apple in my hand, waiting for Keith to speak. I then throw it into the trash bin beside my desk, and look back at him.

"Lucile never had any feelings for me?" His voice is soft, and I know I struck a nerve. 

"Never." I match his soft voice, and look him in the eyes. They're full of hurt. "I didn't want to tell you that because you were already angry with me. Plus, how do you tell your best friend that the woman he has feelings for lied about her feelings?"

He nods. "Understandable." His shoulders sag, and I feel my heart fall to my stomach.

"I'm sorry, Keith. I really, truly am."

"Why? What do you have to be sorry for? You tried warning me many times that she was going to hurt me. If only I hadn't been such an idiot." He rubs his face.

"You're not an idiot, Keith. You are the exact opposite of an idiot. I can't blame you for not listening to me, when I know if our positions were switched, I would have done the exact same thing you did. I'm sorry, because no one should have to learn what you learned about her. It's sick, it really is. There's no other word for it."

He looks at me for the longest time before speaking. "Kayleene?"


"Do you remember a while back, when I said you were horrible at sympathizing?"

A small smile finds it's way onto my face. "Yes, I do."

"I take that back." 

I laugh at that. "Well, Keith, there's not much I can do for your shattered heart, but I can tell you that Dustin will be singing like a bird when I'm done with him. Lucile killed one of your best friends, Mira, Lucas, betrayed the Organisation, and God knows what else. We'll find her, and then we'll make sure she pays for her crimes. As for the people behind this, we're going to find them, and we're going to make sure that this doesn't happen again. I can promise that much."

Keith smiles. "After this is over, we both need a holiday." 

I tilt my head, amused. "I was thinking the same exact thing a few days ago."

Keith looks at me, and I look at him. He steps closer to me, and wraps me in a hug. I blink, taken by surprise, but I hug him back. He hadn't hugged me in years. Since I came back from my European mission, actually. He isn't one to show affection towards people. 

But, hey, I'm not complaining. I like it when he hugs me, however rare it is. 

He finally pulls back, and looks at me, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. He's obviously as surprised as I am that he hugged me.

I raise an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing at my lips. "Are you feeling okay, Keith?" 

He chuckles. "Of course, my love. Why wouldn't I be?"

My smile turns to a grin. "You just hugged me. You never hug me. Are you sure you're not running a fever?"

He grins as well. "Perhaps I am. But, you hugged me back. Are you sure you're not sick?"

I laugh, and he joins in. 

There's a knock on the door, and we stop laughing. Keith opens the door, and moves aside to let Zander in. 

"Zander," I say, nodding my head in greeting.

He nods back. "Ms. Lorraine seeks your audience."

I raise an eyebrow. "Alright... I'll go see her right now."

Great. I had been hoping I could hold off from seeing her until tomorrow. I never have any luck when it comes to Kirsten.

Zander moves out of my way, letting me though. I walk past him, and the door closes behind me when I walk out. I make my way down the halls, where the regular walls are placed by bright white steel, and the doors twice as thick as the ones like my office door. The lights become brighter, clashing with the super-white walls, and it's almost blinding. 

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