Chapter 3

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Kerstin Lorraine's voice fills the air. She's an elegant person when she has to be, and very scary when she needs to be. I walk into a large room, sparsely furnished. The room was white, along with everything inside, except for the two pairs of grey chairs, one pair for each side of the room.

I lean against the wall and watch Kerstin scold the pleading man on his knees infront of her. It was an amusing sight. This man is about twice as big as Kerstin, and he could easily kill her. Instead, here she is, berating him for breaking into our facility, and he's on his knees, begging for mercy. Kerstin's unnaturally blue eyes are furious, and she's hurling insults, berating him as if he had merely said something that infuriated her. In fact, he probably did.

She's wearing a white cloak, the clasp around her neck being the Organisation's symbol. The cloak doesn't cover much of her front. In fact, it's more of an overly large cape. Underneath this cloak-cape, she wears a white, armoured shirt and matching pants. She wears white ankle-boots, with small heels.

The man is practically crying at this point. "M-Miss! Please, have mercy! I swear, I meant no harm," He wails.

My God, this guy was a disgrace.

"Do you think me a fool?" Kerstin's loud voice echos through the room, making it sound three times as loud, and ten times more intimidating.

No wonder she loves this room so much.

"N-no ma'am!"

"You break into my facility, attempt to attack my people, and you say you mean no harm," She booms. "You imbecile! You are not worth my time. I'll see to it that you're thrown into our worst cell."

His eyes widen. "You wouldn't dare!" In a moment of fear, the guy shoots upward, knocking Kerstin off her feet. He straddles her, his hands at her throat.

I sigh, moving off the wall. The man hadn't seen me. I grab the back of his neck and kneel down, so that my mouth is levelled with his ear.

"If you value your life, you will take your hands off of my friend this instant," I say, my voice low and threatening. I tighten my grip on the back of his neck, and he gasps.

He lets go of her neck, and I grab his arm with my other hand, hauling him up with me. I whirl him around to me, and then gently touch his shoulder. He's so afraid that that's all it takes to get him onto his knees. I'm still holding his arm, and my nails dig into his skin, making him whimper.

"You've just hurt my friend," I say, as if I were a mother scolding her child for hurting his siblings.

The man whimpers again, this time in fear.

"You broke into the facility to harm us, correct?" While I can be frightening, Kerstin is beyond terrifying.

He nods, tears in his eyes.

I use my free hand and smack him across the face. "Good God, man! Have some dignity!"

"Yes," He yelps, "I intended to hurt you!"

I smile softly. "You want to be locked up, don't you? You want desperately to be locked up, at this point. After the stunt you just pulled, you could be killed. You don't want to be killed, do you?"

The man shakes his head.

"No, no. I thought not. You want to be imprisoned, don't you?"

The man nods vigorously.

I smile my dazzling smile. "Good man. Be a good boy and stay here while I check on my friend."

The man whimpers, but this time not in fear or pain. Whereas Kerstin and I were perfectly fine, he was breathing heavily and sweating crazily. Oh, how I pitied this weak-minded man.

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