Chapter 10

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Keith's P.O.V

I sit in the backseat of a car, enjoying the ride. It's been a long week, and I'm finally home. I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face as I think about walking into my office, and the smile that I know will be on Kayleene's face when she sees me.

It's not that I'm in love with Kayleene, or anything like that. I'm not. She's like family to me. Coming home to see her is like a soldier coming home to see his family after a long war. It's a great relief, and it brings immense happiness and joy into one's heart.

Then again, it could all go wrong, and Kayleene could be on her deathbed when I get there. That would be the worst thing to come back to. If that's the case, then I'm going to have a serious talk with Kirsten. Though, I doubt it will be the case. If anything, Kayleene has put someone on their deathbed. Actually, those stakes are rather high.

The car stops outside of town, and I sigh, grabbing my things and getting out. I had originally thought that I would be dropped off outside of the Facility, but I was wrong. Instead, I have to walk a half-mile to get to it. It has been a long day, and the last thing I want to do is walk half a mile to end it all.

Though, I suppose it's better than being in that miserable country for another day. I walk quickly, wanting to get there as soon as humanly possible. I've sincerely missed this town. And that's saying a lot, considering some of the people in it... The people in that other country, though... Well, they make the people in Bedford look like angels.

Soon, the house is in sight, and I find myself walking faster than before. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm currently tired as heck, I would run. As it is, I just keep my quick pace.

Finally, I'm at the door of the house, and I walk in. I walk into the dining room and place my hand on the dining room table. The floor slides open, and I descend into the Facility. I walk through the door, nodding my greetings to some of the other Ghosts. I make it to my office, and hear Kayleene, talking to someone. Zander, I think.

"How's your head?"

"It's fine," Kayleene responds.

I frown. What happened to her head?

"Any news on Kirsten, yet?"

"No. I haven't even gone to see her in this past week. For many reasons. Number one being that I've been on bed rest."

Bed rest? And, what happened to Kirsten?

I walk into the office, to see Kayleene sitting in her chair facing her desk, looking down at something. Zander's sitting next to her, observing whatever she's doing.

I silently close the office door and walk up to her. "You know, when I first walked in, I would have imagined more smiling and noticing me," I say, a grin on my face.

Kayleene whips her head around, slightly startled. She sees me, and a small smile appears on her face. "You'll excuse me if I'm too caught up in my work to notice your grand return."

I laugh. "Lovely to see you too, Dearest Kayleene."

Her smile widens, and she stands. Zander stands as well, but instead of greeting me, he just walks over to the wall and leans against it, watching us.

"You look awful," she says, gesturing to my haggard appearance.

I nod. "It was an awful week. You, however, are looking as beautiful as ever."

Her smile turns to a grin. "You're too kind."

I grin again, and walk to my room to set my bag down. I pass my desk, and pause when I see the picture of Kayleene and I. "Has someone been touching my things?"

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