Chapter 23

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There isn't much left to the puzzle, and yet, it seems like there's so much more we have to solve. I have to figure out how much Alice knows, and what that is. I have to figure out how they were able to communicate, and why Kayleene kept checking on Alice while checking on me. It makes no sense. It's rather confusing, if I'm honest. Even for Kayleene. 

I know that Kayleene cares for these people, but she went back and forth between Alice and I. It was confusing. I would have understood her going to help Alice first. It'd have made sense. Instead, she listens to Alice scream, and then asks me if I'm alright. It's as if she couldn't move, or couldn't figure out what to do. Which, even for her, is unusual. 

She always has a trick up her sleeve. Always. Even when hope for survival is slim. So, for her to have no idea what to do seems crazy. That woman is impossible to completely understand. I know her better than anyone, but even I can't fully grasp what goes on in her head at times.

Which is why I almost pity the people torturing her at this moment. Hey. I said almost

I also have to figure out what in God's name is that guy's deal, watching Kayleene the way he has in the past few days. Whether or not it's related to the current ordeal, I know not, but it's still quite unnerving, seeing this creep staring at her. Sure, it happens a lot - Kayleene's a beautiful woman - but this guy looks at her like she's his property. 

As far as I know, she has no idea who he is. So, for a guy to eye her like that... It's strange. I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that it's to do with this whole thing, because I really hope that it's not. 

I reach Alice's apartment, and sigh as I get out. I'm about to go up to a woman, and ask her about what happened that night... I also have to tell her that her friend has been kidnapped. I may be in for more crying. Awesome.

I walk up to the door, and debate how I'm going to play this out. Obviously, I'm going to be somber, but should I go as far as being distraught? Probably not, I suppose. Though, wouldn't one be distraught about their best friend being kidnapped? I mean a regular person. Not someone who knows their friend is going to most likely be found alive.

Also, what do I tell her? I don't know that Kayleene's going to come back, but I also know it's more than likely. Do I just say she's missing? Because if we do find her, then she's not really been kidnapped. Though, I suppose she wouldn't return to the surface immediately. She'd stay and recover before going back up. Technically she has been kidnapped, so it would be the correct thing to say. 

I'll go with that, then.

I knock on the door, and Alice answers immediately. The bags under her eyes explains how much sleep she's gotten since that night.

"Jason? Where's Cecelia? She hasn't been home?"

Ah. Yes, I should have known the questions were going to come fast. "She, uh... She was kidnapped," I say, my voice soft. 

Alice pales. "Kidnapped?" she squeaks. 

I nod. "They took her soon after they got to you, Lisa and the Sheriff."

"Wh- here? In Bedford?"

I shrug. "I sincerely don't know. The whole thing is bizarre. This loon assumed that she was someone else. That's why she was attacked when you saw her, and then during the dinner party."

"Why haven't you been harmed?"

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "I guess I'm not their target."

"Do you think she's in danger?"

"Possibly. I'd rather not dwell on that, though. It's painful, just letting the possibility have to be a possibility. I just came to check on you, actually."

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