Chapter 17

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When I finish, people are left gaping. They all stare at me, in utter shock. The room is so silent, you'd think a cat would make more noise. I stand, my eyes only on Keith. He had presumed a stiff position as I went into the gory details of his friend's awful death. His hands and jaw are clenched, and he's just staring at me.

Slowly, everyone leaves the room, excluding Kirsten, Keith, and Zander.

I step from the pedestal, and off of the platform, walking slowly over to Keith, my eyes locked on his.

"You're sure about everything you told us?" It's Kirsten.

"Would I be addressing it if I suspected otherwise, Ms. Lorraine?" I don't take my eyes from Keith.

"I... I suppose not. But, what you're implying..."

"I'm not implying anything. I am merely relaying the news. To imply would be to suggest something. I'm suggesting nothing. I'm telling you exactly what happened, and exactly who did it. I'm sorry that this is what it has to be, but it is what it is. I can't change Jared's killer, simply because I don't like who killed him."

"Ms. Edge, you're implying -sorry, saying- that Jared was overcome by lust for Lucile Monroe, who's supposed to be dead, and she tried killing him. Jared is a Ghost, and the best of us. Do you expect me to believe that he would ignore everything he's been taught as a Ghost, just to try mending his broken heart?"

"Ms. Lorraine," I say, still not looking from Keith. I stop, only a foot away from him. "You forget, that Ghosts are still humans. We still have emotions, and we still want to rid of pain, either physical, emotional, or mental. Jared Reynolds, as amazing of a man as he was, was just that. A man. You cannot expect a man to ignore the chance to rid of the pain, just because he knows better. It's human nature.

"To say that Jared Reynolds was seduced doesn't fit. To say that he was persuaded wouldn't add up. It happened, only because he wanted it to, even if part of him knew it was wrong. Trust me, it bothers me as much as it does the next person, but it's the truth. Keith and Zander can agree with me on this."

"She's correct," Zander confirms. "It makes sense."

Keith doesn't say anything. He doesn't do anything. He just stares at me.

"I... Just..." Kirsten seems at a loss for words.

"Don't think to much about it," I say. "It happened. The only thing we can do is get the people who did it. Jared Reynolds was an amazing man, and Mira Winters an extraordinary woman. I didn't know Lucas Meyer that well. These people took them away from us, and as much as I hate to admit it, they are very cunning. We can only hope to overtake them at the last hurdle."

"Ms. Edge, do you and Mr. Worthington want a moment alone?" Kirsten seems uncomfortable at this point.

"If you wouldn't mind," I say. "I have a feeling that what Keith has to say to me is for my ears only." I glance at Kirsten for the first time. She looks at me, and I see the knowing look in her eyes.

"Of course, Ms. Edge. We have a lot to talk about. Come see me when you're done here."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I respond.

She nods, and I look back at Keith as her and Zander walk out.

Keith speaks, only after the door is securely closed behind the two.

"Kayleene, I seriously don't know what to say to what you've just explained to us. It makes sense, it really does, but..."

"You can't wrap your head around it," I finish with a small nod. "Nor do I expect you to. I just said that the woman you used to be infatuated with tried killing your best friend, who had been mourning his fiance's death, that happened was caused by the very same person who killed your best friend. It's confusing. It really is. I also know that it hurts to find out in this manner. You thought you were hurting when I told you straight off, but knowing exactly how he died, and exact things he went through... It's hard. It truly is. I really am sorry, Keith. This is an awful thing to go through."

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