Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey! So, this chapter starts out in Keith's P.O.V, but I assure you, it moves to Kayleene's P.O.V later. Just trying to build suspense, you know. ;) Enjoy!


Keith's P.O.V

I sigh as a woman walks over to where I'm sitting at the bar.

I don't even want to be here right now. Not only do I want out of this bar, I want out of this stupid country. I want to be back in Bedford with Kayleene, where I can keep an eye on that Zander guy, and make sure she doesn't get killed.

But, instead, I'm stuck in this stupid country, in this stupid bar, where I have to keep an eye on the very woman making her way towards me. Normally, I wouldn't mind, but I had to leave so quickly, and I didn't even get to say bye to Kayleene. No. Instead, I had to write a coded note, telling her the bare minimum, and possibly causing her to worry even more than she would have if I had actually told her in person.

The woman sits next to me, and I sip from my beer, trying not to wince as her hand brushes over my arm in a supposedly subtle matter.

"You're very handsome," she says in a slurred tone, telling me all I need to know about her alcohol intake before she came over here.

"Too kind," I mutter dryly, setting my empty beer bottle onto the counter.

I'm mostly angry at Kirsten, who assigned me this mission. I couldn't argue, of course, but it makes the matter worse that she told me I couldn't tell Kayleene. I had asked why I couldn't tell her, and Kirsten just told me to obey her without question. Which, of course, I had to do. I do hope Kayleene had a word with her...

Oh. Wait. The woman's saying something. What is it?

"... beach house on the other side of town, if your interested?"

I clear my throat. "As interesting as that sounds, I'd rather not... I'm waiting for someone." A blatant faced lie, if there ever was one, but I couldn't care less, at the moment. My mind is on more important matters than lying to a woman whom I'm going to have to bring back to the country's Unit in a few hours, anyhow.

"Oh." She pouts. "Who?"

"My girlfriend, actually." Why not?

"Oh. Well, why are you meeting her here?"

Whoops. I shrug. "It's the only bar she'll go to, nowadays."

"Well, it doesn't look like she's coming. You've been here for hours. She must have gotten cold feet, or something."

Great... Now the woman who I'm targeting is giving me relationship advice... On a relationship that is nonexistent, might I add. Also, she knows how long I've been here, which means she's been watching me. While I'm used to it, it's still a tad unnerving.

I shrug. "Whatever the case, I was just leaving, anyways."

She grabs my arm. "Will you stay with me?"

If only Kayleene were here... "Sorry, miss, I really should get going."

So, basically, now I have to find a way to get her outside, into my car, and to the Facility without seeming like I'm coming on to her.

Great going, idiot, I think to myself.

"But... but why?" she whines, her grip on my arm tightening.

I sigh. "Look, you seem like a nice lady, but I have a girlfriend, and she has my undivided loyalty. However, I could drive you to your house, at least."

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