Chapter 22

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Unknown Overview

Kayleene sits in a small chair in the middle of the room, slumped, sweat dripping from her beautiful face, and a rather determined expression. Her blonde hair falls limply on either side of her face, and her dress is torn and bloody, due to the previous meetings she's had in the past few hours. 

She looks up as the man approaches, and her delicate jaw clenches. "Of course it's you," she says. "Why not? The one person who decides to step in and ruin my life again, and it's you. It's only plausible."

The man laughs; a despicable laugh, if there ever was one. "Why, of course, Darling. Who else would it be, do you think?"

"Someone who didn't ruin my life ten years ago, obviously."

"Ah. You're still stuck on that, then. I suppose it'll do no good, saying that that happened years ago?"

"You well know I'm not one to forgive and forget. Especially after what you did. I'm curious, though. After all these years, why did you strike on the Organization as a whole? From what I've gathered, I'm just a pawn in your stupid plan, but it's you we're talking about."

"You're quite right. I don't expect you to forgive and forget what I did to you. In fact, I thought what I did would have scarred you a lot more than it seems to have."

"Yes, well, my past is my past. I may not forgive it, but there are more important things to do than mope around about something that I had no control over. Still. I asked a question."

"You forget, you're not in charge here. You're not a Ghost here. You're just a pretty woman with extreme value."

"And still, I don't know the ulterior motive to this whole scheme of yours. From what Lucile told me, you're going to use me as bait to lure in Kirsten Lorraine. A stupid plan, if there ever was one, but still."

"See, this is bigger than you, Kayleene. You wouldn't understand it. You're too stubborn to understand it the way the rest of it do."

"You're only saying that because I'm a woman." 

The man grins. "Maybe."

"You're trying to anger me, and then you'll use my anger against me, hoping to get something out of me. While it is admirable, I must remind you, I've been in your place before. I've been the interrogator. So I know this tactic. I also know it's not going to work on me, as I have a very good control over my emotions."

"And here I was, trying to use that tactic against you."

"Can we please get to the torture part? I'd much rather be in agonizing pain than staring at you while you talk nonsense."

The man laughs. "You view this torture as fun?"

Kayleene shrugs her delicate shrug. "It passes time. Also, anything is better than listening to you ramble on and on. That's torture in itself. Being in pain is actually a blessing, all things considered. Please, proceed with the physical torture, unless you're going to talk me to death."

"I see you're in a cocky mood. As if you have the upper hand. Do you have an upper hand, Kayleene?"

"Maybe. It could also be because I'd rather be screaming in pain than talking to you." She shrugs again.

"Ah. You do know something we don't. This'll be fun, then."

"You're not going to get anything out of me, but please, amuse yourself. It's an amazing pleasure all in itself, seeing you struggle to get the information you need."

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