I Won't Give Up

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I Won't Guve Up

Shots rang out and smoke began to fill the room. I couldn't see a thing.

Panic overwhelmed me as I gripped Waverly to me chest.

Next thing I know I'm being swooped in Someones arms. A sharp pinch ran through my arm. An injection and then I was knocked out.


My head was pounding. Crystal filled the air, it was Waverly. I sat up an cleaned any sleep away from my face.

Instead of waking up in a clean hospital bed like I expected, I woke up in a dingy closet like room with only one high window.

Thats when it came back to me. The gunshots, the smoke.

Waverly's cries interrupted my thoughts and I reached out next to me where she laid in a makeshift basket bed. I swooped her in my arms and held her tightly.

She continued to cry, so I rocked her gently. When she finally quieted down I took that as my chance to look for a way out. The four wall closet had a rotten smell to it and looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in decades.

There was no of getting out. We were stuck. If only there were someday to contact Xav.....

_use your mindlink stupid_said my wolf

_Or do a spell to get us out of here_ said my witch

Wow, bought time you guys talk to me again. Thanks for leaving me!

_Not our fault you were being all depressedfor a while_ they replied.

Whatever, so first let me try contact Xavier.

*Xavier? You there?*

It took a few seconds for him to respond.

*Zoey?! Baby where are you? Are you hurt? I's Waverly with you!? I'm going to find to and kill Maxwell while I-* his panicked voice rang in.

*Babe, I'm okay, just tired. Wave is fine, just cranky. We're locked in a little closet*

*Tell me about the place so I can find you! What's it smell like, looks likes like, feels like- anything!*

*Well its like a dingy, musty scent with pale orange walls. The rug I's stained and a yucky brown. Theres only 1 window and it's high up meaning Wave and I must be underground. We-*

The sound of footsteps filled here air, getting louder an louder as whoever it was came closer to the door.

*Xav, someone is coming! I love you so much! Tell Hunt, Austin, Bentley, and Darius I love them!*

*Zoey, no-*

I blocked him out as the door opened and clutched Waverly to me tightly.

A man of about Xaviers age and height stepped in. He wore black pants and..... A cape? Wierdoooooooo!

"Ahh, Zoey, finally awake I see! I'm Alpha Maxwell Twine", his rough voice choked out. He reached out his hand to touch my face but I slapped it away.

"Feisty I see!", he chuckled, "I like it!"

I scoffed and spit on his shoes.

"Let me out of here!"

"No can do sugarplum!", he smirked, "you'll never see that stupid, little mate of your ever again!"

"You a*s! Don't be such a jerk! You're stupid if you think Xavier-"

He cut me off, "Don't say his name!"

"Xavier, Xavier, Xavier! What are you going to do abou-" he slapped me hard across the face.

I cried out in pain, "what the hell?! Once Xavier finds you-" he slapped me again and pulled me up off the floor.

"That's it! Put the baby in the basket and your coming with me!", he gripped my hair and pushed me to my knees in front of the basket.

I complied and laid Waverly in the basket. Maxwell lifted me up by my hair and pushed me out the door, I caught one last look at my baby girl before he slammed the door shut.

He dragged me down the hall and into a dimly lit room where weapons were laid out. Knives, whips, and other sharp objects shined brightly.

I gulped and wished that I had studied some spells to get me out o this predicament.

"Sit down in that chair!", He ordered.

I knew what was coming.

He grabbed some rope off the table and tied my wrists together around the chair. He grabbed a sharp knife and playfully poked the tip of it to my hospital gown.

"You know Zoey, you are quite beautiful. If he wasn't your mate, I'd of snatched you up right when I saw you. But because your his mate, that means your the enemy too!", he said wickedly.

"You see, Zoey, dear, your sweet pookie bear, took something valuable away from me! Something I can never get back. He killed my mate! So being the fair man I'm am, I figured Id kill his also!", he chuckled.

"Doesn't that sound fair?", he asked. In reply I spit on his feet for the second time today. This got him angry because the next thing I knew I was being stabbed in the leg with his knife.

I cried out in pain, blood gushing down my leg.

"Do it again and see what happens!?", he roared. And me being the stupid, stubborn one did the same thing.

Maxwell then proceeded to grab another knife and slice my cheek open. And let me tell you that made my cheek hurt like a SOB!

Tears ran down my face and j could feel Xavier trying to break throughout the barrier of our mind link, he could obviously feel my pain.

"How's that Zo?", he smirked, feeling powerful, "you like that?!"

He lifted his arm to stab me again. When the balde can down on my stomach I blacked out. My last thoughts being that I hope Waverlys okay and that I love my mate and all our children.

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