Wait, what?

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Ch. 7 Wait, what?


My eyes refused to open. I could muffled voices near by. My head was pounding and I couldn't feel my legs. That's when I panicked. I wasn't aware of the restraints holding my wrists down when I tried to get up.

"Ahhh", I screamed. I am so confused. Was I kidnapped. Oh my god! What are they going to do to me? What is going on? What if they kill me? What will happen to Zac, Ree, Diah, and Donny? Did they kidnap them too? God, I hope not. They'll be better without me. They'll never have to-

"Zoeybear, calm down! It's alright! Don't try to sit up! Can you open your eyes?", said Zach, interupting my rant.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I tried again. It came out as a "Ahh" sound just like when I screamed earlier.

"Zoey! It's alright! Just try to open your eyes",said Donny.

I did as he said. I fluttered my eyes open for just a second and was blinded by the light. They closed and I tried again. They opened for three seconds. I tried a third time and they finally stayed open. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings. I was in a light green colored room with flowery pictures and white curtains hanging open, letting the bright sunshine in. My brothers were surrounding me, along with Xavier and Xander.

"Zoey, are you alright? Any pain?",Diah asked. I nodded, afraid my voice wouldn't come out if I tried to speak. "Here's some advil." I nodded again.

"Do you remember what happened, Zo?",said Zach.

I shook my head no.

"Zoey, I need you to try and talk okay?", said Ree.

I opened my mouth to speak. My words were slurred, but you could understand them. "What happened?"

"Well Zo, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're not human; none of us are." Hah, he's funny. What am I then? A werewolf?


"Zoey, I'm serious. You' re a werewolf. Us too. You're more though. Your part werewolf, angel, vampire, and witch."

Woah, I was not expecting that.

"Explain, please."

"Okay so a long time ago a . . . ."


Wow, that's a lot to take in. Part of me still doesn't believe them. If this is true, I don't deserve this. A person who killed there parents shouldn't have access to so much power. I should just ki-

"Zoooooey! Earth to Zoey! We're not finished yet. We haven't told you about mates yet!", said Zach.

"Mates?Like. . like soulmates?"

"Exactly! A mate is your other half! A person who will love you forever and do anything for you."

"Well, how do you find one?"

Xavier, who was know sitting in the corner, looked pained.

"You never know when you'll find your mate! It could be in your home town. The beach. On vacation. It doesn't matter. Every werewolf is destined to find a mate", he said. I was interested and believed them now.

"How will I know when I find him?", I questioned.

"It's like nothing you have ever felt before! It's amazing! Once your skin makes contact, you'll feel sparks run through your veins! Your heart will race! Us guys can tell we found our mate by just seeing them or simply catching their scent", said Diah.

"Have you met your mate? Any of you?", I asked.

"Donny, Ree, and I have. Zach hasn't.", said Diah.

"What about you guys?", I said while looking at Xander and Xavier.

"I haven't", said Xander at the same time Xavier said, "Yes."

"Ohh", I said looking down, trying not to look to disappointed.

"What's she like?",I asked.

". . She. . she's gorgeous!", he said and I felt a pang of jealousy. "She has pretty hair and beautiful blue eyes. When she smiles I cna't help but smile too. She doesn't even see how beautiful she is. She doesn't know that everyone would do anything she says because she's tricked herself into thinking she's imperfect and incapable of being or finding love. I think she has it all wrong!-"

I blocked the rest of what he was saying out. I couldn't bare it and I don't know why. I had heard enough. My face warmed and my body lit up as if it was on fire. It didn't hurt though. It felt good almost soothing.

"What's happening?", I screeched.

"Uh oh guys! The witch part of her is kicking in!"

"Zoey stay calm! Your gonna feel hot and your witch is going to want to take over. Don't let her!", said Donny.

I felt her trying, but didn't let her takeover.

"Good girl, Zo! It's gonna happen three more times! Don't let any of those parts of you take over either!", said Zevariah.

Suddenly I felt pleasant and pure. I guess this was the angel part. Like I did for the witch part, I didn't let it take over.

After that I felt bloodthirsty! Xavier looked delicious! Just one taste, I thought. I leaned closer to him, but didnt get far because the boys only untied one of my wrist restraints. That and Zach pushed me back.

"Mine", I snapped.

"Knock it off, Zoey! Take control back!"

"NOOO!", I screamed and lunged again. This time I was able to reach him because I broke the restraint. I had just landed in his lap when I was pushed up against the wall by noneother than Donny!

"Zoey Rain Joanna Blake! Get off him NOW!!!", screamed Donny with a powerful voice.

I had just gotton control when I caught the scent of the outdoors. I felt at peace. Then I saw Zach in front of Xavier, with his hand on his shoulder.

_MIne!, my wolf said.

I lunged out of Donny's arms and tore Zach away and once again landed in Xaviers lap. Then I felt it! The sparks raced through my veins and my heart raced. Xavier Moon was my Mate. XAVIER MOON was my MATE!!!

"You're my mate!", I whispered. Wait no! He already found his mate! And I don't deserve a mate.

"Oh my I'm sorry!", I said, "I must have made a mistake. Tell your mate I'm sorry for touching you."

I then ran out of the room and found myself in the hallway at my house. I ran to my room and locked the door. I jumped on the bed and sat there. And then I did something I haven't done in two years. I cried. I cried until I fell asleep.


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