At Last

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At Last

Zoeys POV

"Zoey!", Xavier yelled, frozen in place.

I took one look at him and our 5 babies and burst out into tears.

"Xavier, come here!", I ordered. He complied an sat Darius and Waverly, who were so much bigger than I remember, on the couch with pillows to keep them from falling.

He nearly ran over to me and crushed me into a hug before bursting out into tears also. He began to kiss my hair, my cheeks, my nose, and finally my lips.

"I've missed you so frikin' much! Six fucking months, Zo! I haven't slept a wink without you next to me! Do you know how worried you had me!? And then they took one of your kidneys for Waverly to survive! I thought I'd never

see your gorgeous blue eyes again! And I thought I'd be left to raise our beautiful children on my own! And that I'd never get to see you blossom with more of our children! Oh, baby!-"

I cut his speech off with a hungry kiss. Being in a coma for 6 months made me want to jut snuggle and catch up on what I missed, not to mention hold the twins because I'd barely held them!

I pulled away and ordered him to get all of my children. Hunter was first. I kissed him on the cheek an snuggled him close.


I gasped, "Oh my Gosh! Xavier did you hear that!? He said MAMA!!!!!"

X chuckled and replied, "I know, that was the triplets first word!"

Spent tears ran down my face in excitement. Austin was next and then Bentley. The both giggled and said, "mama" just like Hunter.

"My God, X! They've gotten so big! Mommy's growing boys!"

They were all sitting in between my legs giggling.

"Now let me see Darius! I've barely held him!", I said.

He was adorable and could already sit up on his own. Xavier handed me Waverly and I just about fell over. She was stunning! She looked just like me!

"Damn, baby!", I said to X, we make cute kids!"

He chuckled loudly, "We sure do! And we'll have plenty more!"

I giggled, "Yes!"

He sighed loudly and hopped on the bed next to me, "Zo, I missed you so much!", he whispered into my ear, kissing me lovingly.

"Xavier!", I scolded, "The kids are here!"

He chuckled, "I want another baby, baby!"

"Pffffffft, we have plenty of time for that later! For now lets enjoy what we have!"

The door opened quickly, "Hey X, you never came back for din- Zoey!" Xander stepped in looking shocked, and with a very pregnant girl who looked to be his mate.

"Zoeybear, I missed you!", he yelled hugging me tightly, "Why didn't you calm me, you ass!?", he scolded Xavier.

"It just happened an hour ago! Relax!"

"Boys!", I shut them up, "You're being rude! Now introduce me to this pretty girl right here!"

The girl giggled, "I like her already!"

"Whoops! Sorry Zo! This is my mate Kyra! I met her 5 months ago!"

"Wow, Xander! You work fast! She's already pregnant!", I giggled, "It's nice to meet you, Kyra! I'm Zoey!"

"Nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"

"Good things I hope! What are you having?", I asked.

"I'm having a baby boy! I'm due any day now. We're naming him Christian!"

"Awhh! That's so sweet!" I said. Xander and her will be great parents.

My brothers came later on to visit, little Megan was so sweet!

Zezadon, Zevariah, Zevadiah, and Zachary all cried like babies when try saw me awake and the girls talked about replanning our wedding.

I was excited. Everything was finally okay and beautiful. This was the start of something new. Xavier, Hunter, Austin, Bentley, Darius, Waverly and I were one big happy family and I couldn't wait to make it bigger.

Everything was perfect.

The End.

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