Megan Zoey Blake + 2

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Ch. 19 Megan Zoey Blake + 2

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!", screamed Scarlet at Donny, "You did this to me!"

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry sweetie! Just a couple more pushes and she'll be here! It can't be that bad", stammered Donny.

"Oh SHUT UP! When you have to push a person out of your va-", Scar was interrupted by a contraction.

She screamed and the doctor ordered her to push.

She pushed and the next thing we knew, cries were filling the air.

Zezadon was crying and Scar was gazing adoringly at her baby. I smiled and looked at Xavier. We were due for our babies in exactly a month. Technically our babies could come any min-

"Awhhhhh!", I screamed in pain gripping my stomach. I totally just jinxed myself. I'm definitely in labor.

"Zoey! What's wrong!?", Xavier paniced, "Are you okay?!"

When the contraction passed I looked at Xavier and spoke calmly.

"Xavier, it's time for our little ones to join us. They just couldn't let Megan have this day to herself!"

He smiled and held my hand. He kissed my cheek before running and calling a nurse.

I stood there awkwardly feeling Donny and Scar's eyes on me.

"Sorry to ruin your guys moment, but these little guys want to come and see there big cousin Megan!"

Scarlet laughed and said, "It's okay! At least we won't be carrying around these prgnant bellys for our wedding!"

I laughed too. "Donny are you gonna let me hold my niece or our you going to hog her?! I want to hold her before I have to push these little guys out of my v-"

"Stop!", he yelled,"I don't wan't to hear it! Here take her, but don't tell me about your lady parts!"

I giggled as he placed Megan in my arms. "Wow she's beautiful!.......She looks just like ME!"

Scarlet sighed and Zezadon just rolled his eyes.

"Get over yourself, Zoey!"

"Never! So what's her full name?", I questioned.

"Her name is Megan Zoey Blake! She weighs 7.2 lbs and is 20 inches long!"

I felt my eyes start to water and tears rush down my face before I full on started sobbing.

Zezadon rushed over and took Megan, so I wouldn't wake her.

"What's wrong Zoey? Do you not like it?!", he asked.

"I-I-I-I, I love it!", I sobbed,"Thank you!"

At that moment Xavier ran in and when he saw my face he became angry. He glared at Zezadon and yelled angrily, "What did you do to my mate?! I leave the room for 4 minutes and come back to find her crying! You're dead!" He lunged for Zezadon and Scarlet screamed. I pulled him back before he got close and slapped him. No t extremely hard, but hard enough to make him look at me with his jaw dropped. I looked at Xavier and smiled.

I hugged him tightly and said, "Sorry, biut you were being rude! I was only crying because they named Megan after me!"

A look of confusion came over Xaviers face, "Zoey honey, I don't think you understand. Her names Megan, not Zoey."

"No stupid! Her middle name is Zoey!"

"Ohhhhh, and don't call me stupid!"he said before tickling me.

I laughed like crazy and then screamed when a contraction hit.

"Xavier, take me to the nurse. These babies are coming!"


(8 hours later)

The pain was almost unbearable!

"One more push, Zoey! You're doing great!", the doctor shouted.

I pushed hard and baby #1's cries filled the air!

"It's a boy!",screamed Xavier, excited.

Oh gosh, another boy!

"Alright Zoey, one down and only one more to go! Pushhh!"

I pushed with all my might and 7 minutes later more cries filled the air.

"It's a girl!"

At those words i burst out in tears and Xavier wrapped his arms around me. I felt wetness fall down on to my hair so I new he was crying too.

We were so happy to welcome out new babies into the world.

After we stopped crying, the nurses placed our babies into our arms. I had our boy while he had our girl. They were both sleeping peacefully and looked beautiful.

"What should we name them baby?", Xavier whispered.

"Well I was thinking about maybe....nevermind, you won't like it", I said shyly looking down.

"No let me hear it baby!"

"Well I was thinking for our little girl, we could name her Waverly Dylynn Moon, after our first baby girl?"

"Sounds perfect! And for our boy?"

"Welll I like Darius!"

"How about Darius Callum Moon?!", he suggested.

"It's great baby!"

"Knock, knock, knock! Anybody here?! I got three little ones who are missing there mommy and daddy and would like to see there new siblings! They've already met their baby cousin!"

In came Zach holding Bentley, Austin and Hunter.

I giggled in a baby voice and said, "Hi babies, come meet your new brother and sister!"

"Sister?!", said Diah and Ree Ree coming into the room.


"So what's their names?", asked Zach.

"Well this is Darius Callum Moon and this is Waverly Dylynn Moon!" they smiled.

We all chatted for hours. I had my 5 children, Dylynn in my heart, my mate, my brothers, their mates, and even little Megan who was wheeled in Scarlets arms who was sitting in a wheel chair.

Everything was perfect.

Until we heard gunshots.

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