Birthday Fun. . . Not

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Ch. 6 Birthday Fun. . . Not

Ch. 6 Birthday Fun. . . Not

Zoey's P.O.V

As I lay here looking at the ceiling in my bedroom, I reflect back on the past 18 years of my life. I think of many things that happened. The first time I lost a tooth and rode a bike. The first singing competition I won. The dance class that I got told I was going to be the leader, the Princess. The time Zevariah, Zezadon, Zevadiah, Zachary, and I all had our first hot dog eating contest and I won. The time Rochelle and I snuck out of my room and went downstairs to where my brothers had thrown an amazing party and I had danced with a Junior, who was four years older than me at the time; my brothers caught me and I was grounded for a week. The time my mom, dad, and I were on our way to the Rising Stars competition. . . . the time I woke up from a coma to hear my parents were dead. . . . The time I-

I was brought away from my thoughts by my bedroom door opening and my brothers crowding in, Zach was half asleep and being carried by Donny who then tripped and sent Zach falling to the floor, waking him up completely.

"Get up Zach, stop fooling around",said Ari.

"What?! Donny just dropped me on the ground and your telling ME to stop fooling around", Zachary yelled shocked. Oh boy!, here comes the argument.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have tripped if you would weren't so fat and cut down on the SlimJims!"

"Well maybe you wouldn't have tripped if you'd watch you weren't so clumsy and didn't have a stick up your--!"

"Alright! That's enough! Donny, Diah, let's get this show on the road. 1,2,3 go!", Ari exclaimed looking annoyed and kind of nervous.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Zoey and Zach! Happy Birthday to you!", They sang, horribly I might add.

"Thank you", I said quietly.

"Awh, thanks guys! I thought you guys would of forgot! Now where's my present?", said Zach.

"Hmm, I guess he's a little too eager to get his present. I think we should make him wait. What do you think guys? Let's make him wait?", said Diah.

"Yeah", agreed the guys.

"No, no please! Pleeeease!", Zach pleaded from down on his knees.I would have laughed if I was the old me.

"Alright, come on Zach. You too Zo", said Zevariah while glancing at me with sweat dripping down his face from nervousness. Gross.Come to think of it, all the boys keep giving me weird looks and are sweating like an old guy who just went for a jog. Eww.

"That's alright. I'd rather not. Just return whatever you got me", I said, not feeling like I deserved it after all I've done.

"Come on Zoey! Now", said Zevadiah,"Don't make me carry you."

I didn't move. And befor I knew it, I was being carried down the stairs and out the front door. "Come on guys, leave me alone!", I said exasperated.

Happy Birthday guys", they said in unison.

Zach and I looked straight ahead, only to find the most beautiful cars ever! Two Bugatti Veyron's(awesome car btw).  A black and blue one for who I'm assuming is Zach. And a purple and black one for me. I was awestruck. They were gorgeous, but I couldn't except them. . . . or maybe I could. Nah, I can't.

"Guy's I can't except this. I don't deserve it", I said and turned to walk away.

"Oh shut up Zoey! You do deserve it! Grow up! Get over your past! Build a bridge and get over it!", Donny yelled and then shocked at himself, covered his mouth with his hand.

My body was boiling with anger by the time he was done. I took a slow, menacing step towards him.

"I-I- di-di-- I din't mean i-it Zo! I-I'm sorry!", he stuttered.

I continued walking over to him, slowly.

"You dare tell ME to get over it!", I scream,"You want me to GET OVER the fact that I killed our parents Donny?"

He took a huge step back. I matched it by quickening my pace.

"Zoey, calm down."

"CALM DOWN!! Don't tell me to CALM DOWN!" I yelled, "you kill your parents and then let me tell you to calm down and I tell you to get over it!"

"Zo, it's alright! Don't worry! It's okay! I'm sorry! I love you Zo! It's alright!", he yelled frantically as he tried to calm me down. I was to far gone to calm down. I jumped on him and tried to choke him to death.

"Zoey Stop!", my brothers yelled. I didn't listen. It was like another part of me took over!

"Zoey! Enough! You're gonna kill him", screamed Zach.

I felt three pairs of hands pry me away from Donny. I looked at Donny as he lay on the cement driveway, gasping for air, his hands holding around his neck. I loked into the eyes of my other brothers and saw them standing there with many emotions passing through there faces. Shock. Guilt? Nervousness. Fear.

I looked down at my hands. A tear escaped my eye. And then I felt the worse pain I have ever felt in my whole life. I felf as if I had fire running through my veins. That I was getting hit by a truck. That I was drowning. And that I was being stabbed and shot at all over the place. The pain was excruitiating. I felt my eyes slowly closing, as the pain was to much to handle. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was what sounded the the voice of an angel.

"Zoey, baby, It's alright! Just hold on! You're going to be okay."

Xavier Moon, I thought, the angelic boy. And then I blacked out.

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