A New Beginning for Me. . Or Maybe An Old One

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Ch. 8 A New Beginning for Me. . Or Maybe An Old One

I wiped my eyes furiously. He's not worth my tears. After my 2 minute breakdown I was ready to go.

"Mom, dad, If you can hear me. . . . please forgive me", I said softly. This was it my new beginning. I had to work quickly; before my brothers came to find me. I have come to terms with everything and I can no longer take the loneliness and depression. I still believe I am the cause of my parents death, but I now know there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm leaving. I'm going to start a new life. On my own.

So here I am. Packing a bag. I grab my clothes, I-pod, Laptop, chargers, and the money I had saved up 2 years ago when I worked at the supermarket and did little side jobs like singing at local clubs or fixing cars. Yeah, I know, fixing cars? Yup. It was another one of those things my dad had taught me to do. My brothers don't know though. They wouldn't approve. They would say that fixing cars was a man's job. Pffttt, whatever. But anyways I'm leaving. I am know free to do whatever I want. Be whoever I am.

I climbed out my window and then hopped onto the tree right outside. I climbed down quietly and and got into my new Buggati. Shoot. Keys! I turned to put my stuff in the front seat so I could go back in the house to grab the keys. But as I turned back around I saw them in all their glory. The Keys! They were just sitting in the ignition. Who would do that? Somebody could of stool the car! Probably Donny. But oh well, thank you Donny! I turned the car on and drove off quietly.

After only driving my phone when off. I ignored it. It went off again. I ignored it again. This happened at least 57 more times before I got tired of it and shut it off.

I drove for hours. I didn't even know where I was and I didn't care. I looked at the clock. It was about 9, so I pulled off the high way and searched for a motel. Ater driving around for 15 minutes I found a motel that was located in a secluded area. Yes!, I inwardly exclaimed. Just what I wanted.

After getting checked in, I decided to sleep. My wolf hasn't said anything to me in these past few hours. I guess she's mad. Oh well. I did what I had too.

I did what I had too. . . .I thought again. And then drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to banging on the door. Oh man, it better not be the boys.

"Zo, open up! It's Zach! . . . I know you're in there." Oh shoot, I'm dead. How'd they find me? Uhhh, think. Escape plan, ughhhh think fast. Front door, no they're their. Window, nope it's right by the door. I looked around frantically.

And then I saw it. The back door. What motel's have back doors? Apparently this one.Oh well. Works for me. I quickly grabbed all my stuff, which was only my bag of clothes and laptop case, and headed for the back door. When I got out I was running extremely fast. I had to think this out. If I didn't plan this out I'd get seen by the boys. I had to make my way to the car without that happening. The car is about 20 feet away form where they are standing. I tippy-toe ran to the car and unlocked it with the keys to avoid any unnecessary noise. I just got in the car and shut the door. Unluckily for me, the boys heard and called out my name.

"Zoey Joanna Rain Blake!! Stop now!", Donny screamed.

I didn't listen. I turned on the car and sped off going around 70 miles per hour. I could hear the boys screaming behind me. I knew they'd follow me so I went faster. I turned aroung for a brief second and they were already behind me. By now I was going 95 miles per hour. Just as I turned back around everyting moved too quickly. It was like I was just sitting in the chair and then bam!, I was going head first through the windshield and flying through the air.

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