Guilty and Depressed

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"Good morning America!  It's 6 o'clock on the hour &. . . . . ", the radio blared.

"Awhhhh", I yawned. I am so tired. Why did the boys insist on me setting my alarm for 6 am when it's summer? I am going to kill them! Oh well, I am up so I might as well get ready. I sat up only to hear the greatest thing I had ever heard on the radio.

" Hey all you singers and dancers, guess whos coming to Green Mountain? Stars Rise is here and for one day only on the 21st. That's right you heard me! Stars Rise, only the greatest TV show for young singers and dancers, is coming to Green Mountain! If you want to go auditions take placeat Rocky HAll in Green Mountain from 9 am to 5 pm. Good Luck!"

"Ahhhhhhh", I screamed! My mom, dad, and brothers, Zevadiah, Zevariah, Zezadon, and Zachary came running in. My dad was carrying a baseball hat.

" What is it? Whose there? You better run! If you heart my daughter, I will kill you! Where are ya?", my daddy shouted.

"Honey are you okay", my mama said.

"Oh mom, you'll never believe it! Stars Rise is coming to Green Mountain! Can I go, Can I go, Can I go? Pleeeease?", I nearly screamed.

"Was that what you were yelling for?Sweetheart we thoughtsomeone was in here", said my dad.

"Oh no! I just heard this and I got so excited! Can I go, please?It's on my birthday! Come on, I'll be 17! Pleeease!?"

"I don't know. What do you think, hun?", mom said to dad.

"Sorry Zo. Green Mountains 2 hours away. I don't want you driving there. You're too young and you only have your permit."

"Oh please daddy!?", I begged. I even used puppy eyes. Singing is my life! He better let me go! This cannot be happening.

"The answer is no Zoey, and thats final!", he said.

My world went crashing down. I pleaded with my eyes to my brothers to try to convince them to have my parents let me go.

"Sorry Zoey Bear, I agree with dad on this. You're too young ", said Zevadiah.

"Yeah", said Zevariah and Zezadon, " we think so too."

"Sorry twin, you a great singer but your too young", said Zachary.

"But we're the same age", I argued.

"That's not the point, Zo. There will be other opportunities."

"There won't! This is Star Rising! My Favorite show! I hate you guys! Get Out! All of you!"


I stayed in my room for days. School had gotton out just a week before the argument and my birthday and the Stars Rising competition was approaching fast. When my birthday did come around I was still up in my room. My family had tried to have me come out of my room. They even begged. Every time they came I didn't answer. I knew if I did I'd say something I'd regret or I'd start to cry.

"Zoey! We've got a surprise for you! Open up!", my mom called through the door. I didn't make any attempt to move.

"Oh come on honey! It's yours and Zachary's birthday. . . . .Oh fine! Your father and I have decided to let you go to the Stars rising Competition on one condition. We're taking you."

I ran to the door, unlocked it, and through it open. "Really!?", I exclaimed.

"Yes. Now get ready. we leave in 10 minutes", my dad said.

I dressed in record time. I decided to wear a pink and blus floral dress with heels and long necklaces and earrings. I left my long brown hair wavy and added just eniugh make-up to make my icy blue eyes pop. I ran down stairs and all but dragged my parents out the door barely hearing my brothers chants of "Good Luck","Have Fun!","Be Safe" and "Happy Birthday's".

We were driving for about an hour when I decided to do my vocal warmups. After warmups I started to sing Skyscraper by Demi Lovato. When I finished I saw my parents turned around in there seats watching my with an awed expression.

"Honey, that was beautiful!", my dad said. 

"Thank you daddy", I glanced behind them just quick enought to see a 18 wheeler come out of no where coming our way. "Daddy watch out!", I screamed. It was too late.

The last thing I remember was my mom saying to me " Baby, your special! You willl do great things" and then the world went black.


I was in a coma for 4 months. When I would up I found out that I had, had 4 broken ribs, 1 broken arm, and many deep cuts that needed stiches but had already healed during my time in the coma.

My brothers were there. The only thing missing were my parents. Where were they? They must of went down to the cafe for some coffee, I thought. But boy was I wrong.

That day was the second wost day of my life. The first worst day being the day of my birthday and the Stars Rising Competition. That day was the day I found out my parents were dead. The day I found out I killed my parents. They were gone and never coming back because of me. If I hadn't thrown a fit about not being able to go to the competition none of this would of happened and they'd still be breathing and alive.

I stayed in the hospital for another week. I could go home now. My mood was completely different than that of which it was 5 months ago. My mood leaving the house on the day of the competition was amazing! My mood entering it was depressing. Another great thing that just added on to my mood making it even grater was that I found out I had school tomorrow and that I'm starting a month late. Greeaaat!

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