Plans and Problems

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Ch. 18

Zoey's P.O.V.

The weeks flew by quickly. I hung out with the girls a lot and we planned our wedding. Yes, I said our wedding! The boys decided to ask their girls to marry them too! What a surprise it was, but I'm glad!

We've decided to all get married together. Same day, same place, same time!

Xavier and I are incredibly happy with our life. Our wedding, our boys, and our new set of twins on the way!

Yup! it was confirmed that Xavier and I are indeed pregnant! With twins! I am now 3 months along! We've decided to keep the genders a secret this time.

Zezadon and Scaret are due with baby Megan any day now. Zezadon is nearly pulling all his hair out from worrying about Scarlet, who's stomach is almost as big as mine was. He's too funny. And whipped! Scarlet wears the pants in that relationship just like Shayna, Keely, and I do!

So here we are planning our wedding together while the boys are discussing buisness and my babies are with Xander and his mate for the night.

The boys weren't too happy when they found out I was engaged, but they got over it when I told them I was now 19, not 18.

"I think we should have the color scheme be lilac and creme!", exclaimed Shayna.

"I think we should do dark blue!", said Keely.

"I like all those colors so maybe we should use them all! What do you think Zoey?" said Scarlet.

I was so exhausted so I just agreed. I liked the colors anyway. Figuring out the colors was the last thing we had to do and then we were done. For that I was greatful! Theses girls sure tired me out!

The wedding was set for October 4th, my due date, 2 months away. It was going to be at Xavier and my pack house. The boys all decided to merge both packs and have Xavier be Alpha so we were all living close to eachother. It is going to be held in the ballroom because it will be too cold outside in the fall air.

"What are you ladies doing exhausting my beautiful fiance?", Xavier said coming in with the boys trailing behind him. He wrapped his arms around me and the boys did the same to the girls.

We all giggled. I love my man, he's just too cute! i looked up into his eyes which clearly showed the love he has for me in them.

Something else was hidden in his beautiful green orbs. Worry? Anger? Confusion? I looked around to find the boys with the same look in their eyes.

I stood up from my chair immediately and said, "Excuse us everyone", before dragging Xavier out of our kitchen and up to our room.

I laid down on the bed and pulled him with me. I stared in his eyes and said, "What's wrong love?"

"Nothing", he said quickly.

"I know your lying! What's wrong baby? Are you sick?" I pleaded him to tell me as I rubbed his soft face.

"I- it's nothing.... just a few problems have come up..... uh.. with the pack", he was only being half truthful but I didn't question him.

"Be happy baby! Only 2 more months and Hunter, Bentley, and Austin will have two more siblings and we'll be happly married!"

He cracked a smile, "I love you darling!"

"I wuv you too, ya big goof!"

We fell asleep together, just enjoying eachothers company until i was awaken at 3 am by the need to go to the bathroom because one of the babies kicked my bladder.

I rushed out of bed to find it was extremely cold in here. My tiny, thin nightgown did nothing for me to keep me away from the cold. I looked over and noticed the window was open and the curtains were blowing freely with the wind. Hmm, I thought I shut that, I thought. My wolf, vampire, angel, and witch were all setting of warning signs in my head.

I shut the window and wandered into the bathroom. I used the toilet and walked over to the sink. I washed my hands and looked up to the mirror to discover it was dripping red stuff.

It took me a minute to realize what it was and when I did I screamed.


Xavier was by my side  in an instant and read the words in front of me. He gasped an held me close. I was crying. Who is A.M.T.? Why does he want me? What does he mean others will pay?

So many questions and no answers.

I gasped as it all became clear. Xavier knows who A.M.T. is. This is why he was worried and angry. He knows something I don't know and he didn't tell me.

I ripped myself fro his arms almost falling before he caught me.

"Don't touch me!", I screamed, "Let me go!"

He did.

"You knew something was wrong anddidn't tell me!"

"I didn't know ho-"

"I don't care!", I cried out.

"Zoe, I-"

"Shut up!", I yelled, "I'm going to sleep on the couch! You sleep here! Alone! Without me!"

"Zoey, baby, I-"

"Stop", I said calmly,"I'll talk to you tomorrow"

And then I left, but not before hearing his quiet cry's as I was walking down the hallway. I cried too. it took everything I had in me not to go back and say it was okay and jump into his arms.

I walked down the stairs and took a blanket and pillow from the hall closet. I went to the livingroom and laid down.

I was awake for what seems like forever. It's no use I need Xavier, but I'm too mad to go to him. He needs to know he was wrong to keep things from me.

At 4:50 I heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Xavier of course. He stood in front of me and didn't say anything. He simply just picked me up and layed us both down together on the couch.

He looked me in the eyes. "I can't sleep without you baby. I'm so sorry. So freaking sorry", he cried quietly.

My heart broke at the sight and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you", I whispered.

He hugged my closer and said, "I love you more. Forever and always."

"Not possible, pookie."

He sighed and said, "It really is, love."

I smiled and fell asleep, dreaming. I didn't dream of A.M.T. I dreamt of my baby and our 3 boys and the 2 little ones on the way.

I dreamt away everything, but love.


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