Life or Death

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Life Or Death

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Zoey, can you hear me? Baby, I need you to wake up. I can't do this alone!"

"Uhh", a gasp left my mouth.

"That's it, baby. Open your eyes for me sweetie!"

I tries with all my might to respond, to flick my fingers, to show him I was listening. The pain was too much. The aching in my stomach felt like stabbing pains.

An overwhelming strike o pain sent tremors through my body and I sat up quickly screaming.

"Ahhhhhh!", I screamed. My body shaking. As quickly as I sat up, I fell back down, my body being consumed into darkness.


(Xaviers POV)

My heart ached watching my mate and fiancé writhe in pain, shaking from what looked to be a seizure.

"Doctor!", I yelled bloody murder. Panic overwhelming my body and mind.

Doctors and nurses came rushing in surrounding my mate, pushing me away. I struggled to get to my mate but was only pushed further away.

"Get him out of here!!!", someone yelled.

Two burly male nurses came at me, dragging me away from my sweet mate. The pushed me into the nearest waiting rooms seats, where everyone sat waiting nervously for news.

I was bombarded with questions immediately.

"Where's Zoey!?" "Is she alright!?" "Whats wrong with her!?" "Please tell me she's okay! I cant lose my baby sister!"

I just burst out into tears. The room spun around me and I but my head between my knees.

Everything is so wrong right now! I'm losing hope! Everything was perfect 2 days ago! Zoey and I were blessed with 2 beautiful babies. Now the love of my life is fighting for her life along with my baby girl, Waverly.

After that a*shole Maxwell almost killed my mate he went on to hurt my daughter. Waverly is now in need of a kidney because one of hers is failing.

My life is falling apart.

"Excuse me, who here is for Zoey Blake?", a doctor came in wearing scrubs.

"I am!", we all said. Everyone was here. My kids, my brother, Zoeys brothers, and their mates.

"I'm her fiancé", I say, "How is she?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say she's fallen into a coma and I'm not quite sure if she'll wake up"

I sank to my knees in agony, "No, oh my god! No, no, no!"

"Sir, I've took some tests and found that your fiancés kidney is a match for your daughter"

"You don't mean...", I trailed off.

"I do. I can perform the surgery and your daughter will probably survive. Your fiancé wont feel anything because Shea already in a coma"

"I- I, well... Um"

"Xavier, bro, it's fine. It's what she'd want this", Zach said giving me a side hug.

"I- Why has this happened to my family?! I'm losing everything!", I cried.

"X, don't act like they're gone! They're not! You need to focus on what's best for both your girls!", Xander stepped up.

"It's alright to feel scared, X. We all our, but you know what needs to be done", said Scarlet, holding her little girl to her chest. Zezadon's arms were around the two of them and I felt jealous.

"I know", I cried, "Alright Doc, do it. Save my baby girl.... But if as much as a hair is harmed on my fiancé I will personally k-"

"Okay, sit down big boy!", warned Shayna, "relax"

"Don't tell me what to do, Shayna!", I shouted.

"Don't yell at my girl!", Zevariah growled.

"It's fine, Zevy", she said and kissed him before turning back to me, "Okay, c'mon, Xavier. I've got 4 babies here who miss their daddy!"

I cracked a smile. I did miss my boys. I walked over to Keely and Shayna, who both had 2 babies in their arms. I kissed them all on the cheeks and asked the girls to bring them to the couch for me.

They set the boys on the couch and returned to their seats. I grabbed the diaper bag I had been caring on my shoulder and placed it on the ground. I walked to Hunter first and changed his stinky diaper before doing the same for Austin and Bentley. The triplets were getting so big! They could already sit up by themselves! Needless to say I'm a proud papa!

I saved Darius for last. He's only 2 days old and requires much more care.

When I was done, I sat on the couch with Austin and Bentley on my left, touching the arms of the couch, Hunter on my right with a pillow at his side protecting him from falling and Darius in my arm.

I gave the older three their favorite blanket and a bottle. Next I fed Darius his infant formula. I new it wasn't as good as Mommy's milk but it'd have to do until she's better.

The boys fell asleep quickly and I laid back thinking of when I found Zoey and Waverly.

It was the day after they disappeared we found them. Maxwell took them to an abandoned school.

When Leslie, my packs tracker caught a whiff of Zoey's scent I was thrilled.

The school was dirty and musty. The walls covered in blood, the floor covered in dead bodies. I found Zoey in a dark room wearing only her hospital gown which was drenched in blood.

As soon as my arms were wrapped around her I heard crying. Waverly.

Waverly wasn't too far away. What we found fueled my fire. Maxwell was on top of my baby, hurting her. I ripped his heart out.

I barely heard the gasps coming from the hallway. A girl about 20 years old and a boy about 7 years old.

They ran off but I didn't care, my next stop was the hospital.

And now here I am. Waiting. My mate and my child in serious condition.

I snuggle my boys and pray. Pray they're okay.

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