I have Something To Tell You. . .

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Ch.13 I have Something To tell You. . .

Wow. It's still sinking in.

I'm pregnant.

I bet Xavier already guessed this too. But, why wouldn't he tell me?

I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

"Zoey?", Delia said, interupting me from my thoughts.

"Yes?", I answered.

"I asked you if you wanted to know what the gender of the babies are. Do you?"

"You know already?!", I asked surprised.

"Well, as I told you, werewolf pregnancy's are quick, so yes, I know."

"Well I should wait until Xaviers here, buuuuuut I wanna know, so yes!"

"Good. So, see this little one right here? That's a boy. And this one right here is a boy too. And this on-"

"I hope it's a girl!"

"It's a girl!"

"Yes!!!!!! Xavier's gonna be so happy! I've gotta go!", I said and sprang up from the bed almost tripping, but catching myself before so I didn't fall.

"Careful Zoey!", scoulded Delia.

I ran out of the room. "Thanks Dr. D!"

She laughed as I ran down the stairs, but cautiously. I have a baby- correction, I have s babies to worry about now. I went out the door and fast walked hurriedly to Xavier and I's mansion.

"XAVIER!", I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He came running down the stairs.

"What!?! What's wrong?!", he asked franticly.

I giggled.

"Nothings wrong, you silly boy!"

"What did the doctor say?"

"Oh", I said looking down, pretending to be upset.

He put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up.

"What did she say, love?

I looked into his eyes and jumped on top of him suddenly. Luckily he had caught me.

"I'm pregnant!", I shouted at him.

"I knew it!", he yelled happily and swung me around."How far along are you?"

"Two and a half months!"

"What? You're already half way done with your pregnancy? Oh my goodness. We have to start planning! We have to paint the room. Get the baby furniture. Get tons of bottles and many, many diapers! Oh and-"

"Xavier relax! That's not even the best part. We're having tri-"

"Oh my God! We have to tell my parents and *gulp* we have to tell your brothers!", he siad looking scared.

"Xavier, don't worry about it", he was about to interupt me again so I shouted at him, "Don't you dare interupt me again!"

"Okay sorry, sorry!",he said and shrugged his shoulders.

"We are not having a baby-"

"But you-"

"Shut it, Xavier! We are having three!"


"Yup! Do you wanna know there gender?"

"You already know?"

"Yup, Doc said she could tell because the pregnancy is so short and I'm already half way done. SOrry, I know I should have waited for you to come with me at the next appointment, but I just couldn't! I was to excited!"

"So, what are they?"

"Well, we are having two baby boys and a baby girl!"

Xavier let out a girly squel and swung me around again.

"I love you! I love you! I love you!", he sighed.

"I love you too, pookie!"

He groaned. "You're not gonna stop calling me that are you?"


"Didn't think so", he sighed.


A few hours later.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. It was 12 noon the next day. Xavier and I had fallen asleep at 2 am after spending the whole day on the couch discussing baby names. Weird I know, but we just found out and we're excited!

I looked over at Xavier, sleeping peacefully. Aww, he's so cute!

I didn't want to wake him up just yet so I got up slowly and walked into the kitchen. I think I'm going to make Xavier and I breakfast. Hmm, french toast and hasbhbrowns? Sounds good to me!

I took the frying pan out and started cooking. Just as I was finishing up, Xavier walked in and put his arms around me.

"It smells really good, baby."

"Thanks pookie! Here, sit down and I'll grab your food!"

"Thank you baby! You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I am."

He kissed my cheek and sat down next to me.

We ate in silence for a few  minutes until Xavier broke it.

"Baby girl, I know you don't want to talk about this, but you need to call your brothers. Fix things. Make it all better. Tell them about the pregnancy."

I sighed. "You're right. I guess I should call them."

"Invite them over and we'lll tell them together", he said determined, but I could tell he is just as scared as I am.


I finished up eating my monstrous pile of French toast and got up to wash the dishes.

"I got it babe. You call your brothers."

"Jee, thatnks babe", I said sarcastically.

"Don't get mad. Go invite your brothers over."

"Fine", I pouted.

I walked over to the phone that was still in the kitchen. I dialed the number I knew by heart.

*Ring Ring Ring*


My eyes teared up at the sound of Zach's voice.


"Zoey? Zoey! Is that you?", he asked shocked.

"Yeah, it's me. Are the reat of the boys there?"

"Yeah. Ari and Diah are grabbing the other phone to listen and talk to you too."

"Okay. Hey Ree ree. Hey Diah. What. . what about Zezadon?", I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Hey Zoey", they said.

"He's listeni- Oww!- he doesn't want to talk to you. Sorry Zo."

A tear fell down my face.

"That's alright. I just wanted to invite you guys over tonight. For dinner. You can meet our pack too."

"Alright, that sounds good. Where and what time?"

I gave them directions and the time to be here.

"Alright Zo, we'll see you tonight. Love you. B-"

"Oh wait! . . When you get here  I, uh, have something to tell you. . ."


thank you to all of you guys who have stuck with me. This will get more interesting soon! I promise!

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