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That was a long day... i was about to start to the job i always dreamt of tmorrow... and probably i will have to survive without internet, my precious Dexter Morgan. My favourite fictional character. I recorded the 4 of the moments i really liked while i watched, so i can watch theese when i got bored there or miss dex. Well at least i did finish the second season. Maybe dexter was not the best at cinematic, the way the scenes shown, sometimes getting a bit goofy... but i loved dexter... it Looks like i have something that i can think of all night. The season finale...

As i wake up, my routine time to wake up, i look at the clock 6 a.m. I am in the most pessimistic mood i can be potentionally be probably. I cleaned my glasses, enjoying the feeling of the special made wipes for the fragile circular lenses of the eyeglass, the special fiber they used to make these. I am checking everything, again and again, to make sure that i didn't forget anything. I feel different, so much more stressed than i generally am. My heart feels like it will overload and explode from pumping blood to my veins, as fast as it could. When i look down to my chest, i can see my chest moving rhytmically as my heart beats, pumps blood to my organs... like it was going to drill out of my chest, fall onto the ground. i almost can see it on the ground, still beating and slowly running out of life, slowing down as there is no blood left to pump, no body left to keep alive...

I rushed down to the airport from the metro i came here with, i ran as fast as my legs can carry me. I have this plane phobia thing, wcich i don't know the name of. It is sort of frightening to even think that the one or both of the engines breake, while the plane falling to the ground and i am sitting close to one of the engines, as it exploded and i set on the fire, feeling pain while the fire burnt me till my bones, feeling every single cell of my body burn painfully. every. Single. One. Or my body releases adrenaline as i fall to the ground from like 2 miles above from the ground. Feeling myself hit the ground, feeling the every bone in my body break, turn into pebbles but with sharp corners. And those sharp corners pierce through my organs and skin, letting me to see them gushing from my body. Well i probably couldn't see them though, i would probably passed away with all that stress i felt when i knew i was going to die seconds later. Even if i didnt you know... my skull would have crashed too.

I laugh to my own stupideness. I think that makes me so seem like a mentally ill person or something. I laugh harder on this thought.

I finally got there, placing my suitcase and my bags to the x-ray device they use to see through your bags on a screen and fill the things with radiation. This is my favourite bag, with a greenish grey, i am sure the color of it has a name but i am not good with all theese names of the colours, i just knew how to use them.

I went in the plane, closing my phone and imagining every single death scenerio that i can imagine that would be possible while im taking a plane ride. I hate the feeling of being high above from the ground...

i think about people, They usually think i am a boy though... the short hair i have makes me (actually it doesn't in my opinion) look like a boy. the people who describe girls as always long haired, the ones who got used to see the girls long haired and it feels weird to them to see a one with short hair. not me, i think i pretty look like i am a girl, im just not that girly. Well actually maybe they are right to describe me as a boy, since my breasts are not that big enough to leave me in pain when i do sudden movements, run or jump. But still noticable.

Looks like i was asleep, i woke up to my timer which i set like... 4 hours ago? Geez i slept a lot... okay we're almost there, i can see that we are getting closer the airport each second.

It is a way more crowded than where i took the plane, thank god i am able to touch the floor again without burning, falling to the ground or just feeling pain. i am starting to get a bit dizzy... well thats normal, this happens when i go to the extremely crowded places, just like the place i am walking right now. It happens... right?

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