Big kiss

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He is taking it slow, he is slowly lowering his head down to me, i close my eyes to not to see his giant lips that come closer every second, i don't even know why the fuck am i freaking out. He is roy! Like the one i love and the one loves me, i know he would never hurt me. and I start to feel his breath.

I can clearly feel his breath. I open my eyes accidently for like a nanosecond, and i see his lips are almost going to touch my body. I am freaked out, but i don't want him to know that, i don't want to break him. And there it is...

I feel something squishy and warm that seperated in 2 parts, from my head down to my stomach. He is giving me fast and gentle kisses, so i can breath when he breaks the contact between me and his lips, when he gives me a break to breath. My eyes are still closed as the kisses continued. I Suddenly feel him stopped, and i sense him looking at me. Maybe he just felt my heart rushing beneath his lips. Or tired or didn't want me to think that he will keep me there as long as HE wants. I open my eyes and i face his hazel eyes peering down at me.

I am relieved but i also want him to continue, never let go of me.
"Thank you... that was awesome..." i say "did it feel good to you too?"
"You can't even guess... thank you for giving me permission to do this... i am grateful" his awkwardness melted away, but he is also blushing... so do i. he is not smiling but i know he is happy, he is still affected by what we've been through second ago.
"Well don't thank to me, i wanted it too" I say... hugging his closest finger to me. I squeezed it as hard as i could. Well not completely squeezing because my hands didn't touch each other... didn't even get close to each other.

Even his fingers towered over me, except his thumb, i was almost (almost) at the same height with it, i was 1/4 of his hand.

I let go of his finger, he is still staring down at me, but it was not a negative stare, it was full of emotion and love. I saw his eyes get a bit shinier, redish and wet, he was about to cry...

"Hey.. roy? Are You okay? Did i upset you?" I ask with concern, my heart sank, i didn't want to upset him, that was the last thing i would want to do. I saw a tear as he stared at me, and that tear went down from his eye, then his redish cheek, and it stopped there, contrasting itself beneath it with the help of gravity. and it just fell, near me. It was like... oversized? Of course it was oversized, he is oversized.

"Oh! I-I-I am so sorry! About that... Yes, i- i mean i am just so happy... I mean... i found someone that wants to be friends with me...even more than friends" he said between sniffles. "Oh crap i am so emberassed right now... this is so awkward" he continued. While he wiped his tears with his free hand.
"No-no no no! You're fine, you can't just say sorry for living your emotions," i say up to him, "you are adorable" i added, looking directly into his eyes while i smile as warm as i could, but not enough to make it look like it is fake. Because it isn't.
But to be honest, i didn't feel the thing i felt when he laid his head on the desk. But It was still adorable.

I felt like my heart sliped up from my throat, and fell to the ground from my mouth as the ground i stand on (roy's palm) fell down. I didnt expect that, shit! I feel preassure on my back... And i am now slightly pressed to some kind of fabric? And i feel my body vibrate as something move in the fabric. Like a heartbeat? And also some kind of slow movement like... breathing! Oh i got it... i am pressed to roy's chest by his hand. Well i try to hug him back but i can't really move. But i like this feeling, to be close to him, to be lost in his prescence.

He slowly tilted his hand backwards and bent his torso at the same time, so i won't fall and will remain laying on his palm again when his hand reach to 180 degrees.

"I-I'm sorry... this must have been too fast... and i should've warned you..."
"No, don't apologies, you don't need to. I like it, thank you for doing this... to be honest i am glad that you didn't warn me, it was like a surprise."
"Oh... okay then..."
"Could you maybe... lift me?... To your face?" i ask skittishly as i try to get up on my knees then my legs
"Sure thing" he said and he slowly started to lift me to his eye level.

I m glad that he didn't stop at his nose or lower parts of his chin, so i could reach his eyes. I stared to his beautiful eyes for a while (like 4 seconds) then i reached beneath his eyes and wipe one of his tears on his right eye (to me). The tear stuck on my hand, of course it was going to! His tears were giant, his molacular condition was giant so like... it's surface tension was a way stronger that normal (human) water was.

I wiped the tear on my hand to my pants, not really wiping cause it was like i am holding a ball on my hand, so i just make it touch to my pants. it took it a bit long to suck the tear, when it did i just had the most uncomfortable, wet pants now. Why couldn't i just wait for it to dry? Tears dries a way faster than water does! You are a complete idiot mollie.

"T-thanks!" He said, not knowing what to say but in a loving voice. Blushing even harder.
"You're welcome!" I said smiling to his eyes. I can tell that he is also smiling by his eyes. (I can't see below than his cheek)
"Okay... maybe i will place you to my shoulder again? I didn't really want to break the closeness between us, i was going to be still touching him but like i also didn't want to get him tired of holding me, soooo
"Yeah sure" i nodded. He slowly lowered his hand down to his shoulder, and i got off his shoulder and again, snuggled to his neck. I can imagine how his face exactly looked.

As the movie finished, i felt pretty sleepless, and i can guess he is also tired and sleepy.
"Woah like... you have a great taste, Mollie." He said.
"Yeah it has a great fiction" i say and i yawn. He also yawns after i do
"Shall we go to sleep?" He say, this question was the one i needed to hear.
"Ohh! yes please" i say and feel him shift, he stands up, and starts walking through his bedroom. Which was like a few steps for him. He had a small house (for him).

He is crouching and bending at the same time, for me to get off his shoulder and step on the nighstand, where my house is at. I didn't want to keep him waiting, so i immediately hopped to the nightstand as he bend himself.
"Good night Mollie, thank you for today"
"Good night roy, thank you for everything" i saw him blush. He turned his back to pass the bed, then turned left to go to his side of his bed.
I watched as he walked through his side, with fast and long strides.

I turned around, opened my houses door and got in, going upstairs, entering my room. I am excited to sleep in my new house. And it won't take me long to get used to it. I throw myself on my bed and try to relax. Thinking about times i spent with roy today. I heard a rustlimg sound coming from left, outside of the house. I look at that direction and saw roy lay on his side. Grinning while he looks at the ceiling. I bet he is thinking about the times we spent today, just like i do right now. The times we kissed, the time i snuggle to his neck. And i heard a little chuckle from him. It melted my heart.

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