Family stuff

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I opened my eyes and my vision brightened by our living room shining with morning sunlight again. I love morning sun. I rolled on my side on the warm, soft ground. I felt myself rise with roy's another breath. I felt his immense lungs fill with air, then drain as the muscles pushed the air out.

I rubbed my eyes and my temporals to kind of wake up from my groggy mood. It felt like it will just... rip as i push the skin back and forth, revealing the crimson part from the underneath of the skin layers, the ripped skin sliding on the wet with blood facial muscles, in the drection of where i push it. But in real life, it wouldn't rip that easily. And even if it did, i don't think muscle fiber would be slidy.

I rolled again, on my face this time and pushed the flesh floor below to lift myself up, my hands burying in the skin a little. I rose again with the feeling of the air flow under my hands, coming from the deeper of the floor. I got on my feet and started walking to his shoulder. I gripped the thick fabric and dangled myself down, supporting myself with my feet as i climbed down. It was quick because it wasn't really high from where i was.

I let the fabric go and made a careful fall in the dent. I climbed it too and made it to the stairs which lead down to the floor. I looked up at roy's face, i couldn't see his face completely but just a small fraction, but i could figure the peaceful look on his face.

I suddenly didn't want him to wake up without me. And I don't want to just... walk all the way to my house eighter. I climbed back on him and layed on my back.

I listened his heartbeat, the machine beneath me, having to keep the even larger machine that i'm on. I shook with every beat, even a simple and small movement like a heartbeat, so small that i don't even feel my heart beating inside me, effecting me with such impossible to miss kind of movement.

Do you want to talk a little?

Yeah sure i am bored.

Yeah same.

What are we going to talk about?

I don't know...

Yeah like... a big, empty inside zero

What is even emptyness?

Your mind right now.

It can't be empty. I am thinking to talk with you.

And that's flling the emptyness.




You're bored. we're-


I took my phone out and started doodling some memes. I like shitposts. They're great.

The ground lifted a bit higher this time, I felt a slight breeze, a bit more intense, but still considered as slight but also not that slight, behind my back as i started to get lowered, getting away from the high, high ceiling. But of course when it is so far away, i can't really see the difference between a second ago. But i can feel the ground lowering.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" i said. Assuming roy just woke up. But also he may not. If he's not, then i'd be talking to myself. And that wouldn't really be a problem. Cuz he'd not be awake.

"Good morning tiny" I felt his voice get inside my skin, then pass through all my organs.
"Since when do you call me tiny?"
"You can call me "giant" or "big guy" or "sleeping beauty" but i can't call you tiny?" He chuckled.
"I guess. I know i'm tiny afterall."
"Oh wait i didn't me-"
"Okay calm down, do you think that i'm a person who can get offended to this?" I laughed
"Sorry. Just in case"
"Yeah... no sorries."

Roy and i (g/t)Where stories live. Discover now