Together again

47 2 17

As i wake up, my routine time to wake up, i glanced at the clock, 6 a.m. I cleaned my glasses, enjoying the feeling of the special made fabric for the fragile circular lenses of the eyeglass. I checked everything, again and again, to make sure that i didn't forget anything. my body feels different with the sense of my stomach is twisted and there is a sizzling feeling that wraps my body. My heart feels like it will break my ribcage and throw itself on the ground with a great blood trail, the veins ripped and it gushes all the leftover blood in it like those fountain decors. The only difference it the color of the liquid the engine pumps.

I bid farewell to the Dave Brubeck's, Paul Desmond's , Miles Davis's, Marcus Miller's and John Coltrane's album covers.

John Coltraine looks awesome with his saxophone. The black people looks extra cool and stylish with saxophones. They already have that jazzy vibe to me. So cool. And also i really like the look of mustard yellow or orangish yellow and orange on them. The skintone pops them out. If i were black, i would wear yellow all the time. Almost all the time.

I rushed down to the airport from the metro i came here with, i ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I don't have this plane phobia thing, which i don't know the mame of, anymore. Just me and the fear of being rejected.

I sat on my given seat, closed my phone and tried to relax. I was so scared that he may reject my desire to come together again, but also relieved and excited to see him at least once more. I know my mistakes and i'm ready to show how i feel to him again, what i want and how sorry i am.

The plane landed and i got out of the plane, makşng my way to the inside of the human airport I ran and got out, passed the giant shoes that also were hurrying to reach the plane, and hurried over my car in the human parking lot. I hopped in my car and closed the doors shut. It's kind they can carry our vehicles to here. I turned the ignition and drove to get to my love, hoping he would be at least as happy as i am to see him again. Or just hug me again, wrap his gigantic warm and soft hands around me and kiss me with his titanic lips. I still remember the feeling of his fingerprints and his skin brushed my body. I can't wait to feel it again.

But don't forget the other possibility

Hey i'm trying to be positive here! Don't upset me again! I am hopeful!

Sure. But that doesn't mean he will 100% accept you back.


I passed by the familiar streets and stores, the bus stop and my old hotel until i reached roy's house. I pulled the car near the door. My stomach shrank, moved under my skin, then grew back. But continued moving. And i was feelşng a weird sense like tickling or you know like the tv screens when there şs no signal. Black and white dots filling the screen.

I stood in the car for a bit. To calm down a bit. But it didn't work. There wasn't and sigh of life in the house eighter.I wonder if he is inside. Or even... alive

SSSSSHHHHHTOHP! you know he would never do such thing!

Yeah you're right... he wouldn't. Should i wait?

No. Just ring the bell.

My hairs were up like nails growing out of my skin. Or just like they came alive and trying to pull theirselves out of my flesh.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit. I am excited. Can't i wait more until i calm down?

No. Do it now. NOW!

But I-


But it will be a mess!


Okay! Okay! I will. Just stop screaming


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