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I got out from the car i rented from another human. It's kind they let humans to use vehicles indoors...

I walked and walked till i reached a door for my size. I clutched the door habdle and hesitantly pulled it down.

How the fuck am i going to do this!

By talking.

But how!



Come on! The worst thing will happen is forcing a dude to suicide!

will you shut your FUCKING MOUTH for a FUCKING SECOND!

I'm not talking yknow. You are imagining me talking in your head. Not really imagining tho. Just thinking my voice- your voice
Talking to yourself. Even now you do. If you want me to shut the fuck up, then stop thinking.

You know that this is impossible

Yes i do. So do you.

Why do i even keep this going. That's so dumb

Yes it is.

I pushed the already open door and got in to see a pair of giant boots that i can't even reach on top standing a few meters away. I immediately felt heavines of being entered in someones sight, heavines of somebody's gaze on me. I walked all the way around till i stood in front of the toe of it which was towering over me. I was small. I AM small.

I wonder if they will do some bridgy thingies for humans to use, like to not be level with their feet or get crushed.

No. You don't have time to imagine that shit.

I know. But i already did. Just not with all the unrealistic organ details.

I followed the legs till my eyes reached to the face and yelled at the dude with work uniform.
"HEY!" He flinched and looked around, then his head and his eyes fell down on me
"Would you uhh... let us to be alone for- for a sec?" Go away awkwardness. Not the time for those crap.

He nodded and the boot i was closer to lifted and moved up in the air, then fell down a solid 20 meters away. Probably even more. I waited until the guardian got out from the room then made my way to the other giant standing behind the iron poles.

One of his knees gently lowered to the ground from the sky. And then his torso to get closer to my level. I got closer and stared at him in the eyes. It şis not thar comforting this time as it used to be.

I don't want to do this! He is going to hate me!

As much as you do?

Even more!

"Hey... h-how ya doin..."
"I'm just glad to see you mollie... I missed you so much."

"Me too... It's been a long time"

"If you call a day a long time, then why not?" He chuckled and pulled his hand away from his knee and reached for me. His hand gently lowered, getting bigger and bigger as it came closer. He separated his forefingie- finger from the other fingi- fingers. To caress me. I didn't avoid it or caressed it back.

"Yeah... we don't have much time... i have a plane at nine thirty."

"Plane?... W-... where a-are you going to?" His finger broke the contact with me.

"I... I'm going back, roy"

"... To- to where?"

"To... Home..." I broke the eye contact and looked to my feet and realised i was fidgeting with my hands.

Roy and i (g/t)Where stories live. Discover now