Cuddly night

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I wake up with that feeling i felt when roy looked at me, i ottomatically glanced the left, where roy layed. I didn't see him... i shifted my sight at the clock, 03.12, 3 hours before than my routine waking time. I knew i couldn't sleep once i wome up... I kinda felt hungry actually... i wouldn't say no to a snack but i was a way too lazy to do that just yet. I just tried to go back to sleep.

I felt vibrations beneath, i knew it was roy coming. I didn't see him in his bed, so he went out of his bedroom, probably to go to the toilet, and he was coming back. And suddenly i saw an eye on my window, i flinched and fell down from my bed, hit my wrist. He also flinched and immediately stopped looking. I mean i knew that roy is coming, but somehow his eye just scared me, maybe because it was all dark and he is like huge?

"Oww! I groaned,
"S-s- sorry that was my fault... i-i was just checking on you" I heard him say, his voice sounded guilty. He probably looked at me before he went out, that made me feel that i was being watched. I didn't blame him tho.
"Ahh don't even worry about it. I don't blame you, I am just a way too clumsy" i say and i start laughing about my idiotic accident, then i lost control I just couldn't hold it. It was a way too big to hold. I was having a laughiter seizure, loudly, and i didn't want it to be loud...

that generally happened when i hang out with my cousin, we always had those seizures, we laughed but there was no teason for us to laugh. And there is also no reason for me to laugh right now,

I hear him laugh too, obviously he is trying to hold it, but he just can't
"Y-... You can laugh... don-...don't hold it." I said between laughs, i just can't stop it.
"Tha-... thank you" he also said between laughs, and they became lauder. And he sat to his bed, holding his stomach. And bending forward. Probably his stomach hurts, just like mine does.
"I... I dont... i dont even know... whats that funny.... Enough To... to make... to make me laugh" i say "i... i just have... have seizures some-... sometimes"
I say. This situation started to be annoying rather than funny. It was funny like 4 secınds ago, but now it's not. I don't want to laugh right now. I just can't stop.
"Yeah like thats.... Thats what happens... to me... right now" roy said as he also laughes.

Finally we could stop laughing. I moved myself to balcony to see him.
"You woke up too?" I ask . immetiately regretting my question "ahh sorry thats a stupid question... we wouldn't have lived those if you-"
"Wow wow wow calm down, you don't have to... explain yourself." As he stretches his libs, seem even bigger.
"Okay... sorry"
"No need to apologies... you want to ummm... do something?... or do nothing..." I want to cuddle with him!
"Some midnight snacks while watching a movie wouldn't be bad actually." Stupid! Tell him you want to cuddle!
"Ookay, i'll go grab something to eat then" and he rose to his full height, quickly, almost like he is rushing, but his steps are gentle. (And fast ofc)

And i get in my house, downstairs, to kitchen. i grab some M&M and put them in a little bowl. Then i run outside of my house, and wait for roy to approach. I wait with the mnm-filled bowl on my hand.

I feel vibrations beneath, roy is coming here. I see him enger the room, with a bowl of oreo's and some crackers and his phone.
He quickly made his way to his bed and put his snacks down on the ıther nightstand. And he turned his attention to me,

"Okay so... what do you-"
"You pick" I cut his sentence "i already picked 2 times and i think it's your turn."
"I don't know what to watch...
"You sure?"
"Well no i'm not sure... to be honest... i uhh... just want to cuddle with you" he say, this is the same thing i wanted to do! But i was like... shy away from him and too emberassed to ask him about it. And how the hell are we supposed to do this when i am this small and he is that big?
"I want to cuddle too!... I was just refrained from asking..."
"Well i am not gonna say that you didn't need to refrain, because i was also emberassed to ask..." he said and he let out of a soft chuckle that made me find him even cuter. And i saw him blush. It was a bit hard to notice in the dark, but it was still noticable.
"Shall i... shall i pick you up? He said hesitantly.
"Yes please!" i said, putting down the mnm bowl. but i am still a bit nervous considering his size... even though i know that he is extra gentle, and he won't hurt me.

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