Meet my fam-fam!

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I woke up on the familiar lanscape of roy's chest. I haven't woke up on him for a while. I missed it, it feels good to be close to him again.

I took my phone out and checked my notifications; none. I sighed and got up, walking closer to roy's sleeping face. I couldn't see it from such low angle but i know he looks so cute. I've seen him slepping countless times, afterall. I kissed his neck and sat in front of it, leaning my back to it's soft and hot surface. It felt like Something slid down beside me. He gulped i guess.

"Oh wait are you awake?"

I suddenly regret asking because we should be gulping in our sleeps. I mean... if we don't then it must be like... saliva flowing down of our mouths and shit. We may even drown.


Yeah. Sometimes.

The soft flesh of his neck beside me vibrated. I liked how it felt.
"Yeah i'm awake..."

His hand toasted me between his neck and palm, disabling my vision unintentionally or intentionally. Probably unintentionally since his hand is already much more than enough to cover me whole, even more 'more than enough to cover me whole' when i'm sitting, shrunk to half of my already tiny size.

I felt him shift and his hand gently stopped toasting me and i fell on it since he was now laying on his side. It didn't hurt. I wouldn't mind if it did hurt tho... I got up.

"Good morning" roy said with a smile. He looked really happy. Like... his already big mouth looking even bigger. I mean it looks big to me... he has a perfectly proposioned mouth for his face. "I missed waking up with you"
"Yeah me too... It's been a while..." I guess i had a guilty look on my face. -Because i was feeling guilty- because his forefinger placed itself under my chin, of course it didn't fit under my chin, and attempted to lift my chin up to face his face. "Hey It doesn't matter now." He shifted his finger to brush my body.

"Yeah... i guess"
"I mean... we are together again! I couldn't ask for more!"
"Yeah me neighter" I kissed his finger.

The door ringed.

"Who is this even? It's 8 o'clock..."

the floor rose and i was now level with roy's chest again. I leaned to it since his hand was touching his chest.

He walked to the door and opened it. Nobody was the- the floor lowered and roy's hand was now touching the ground. I turned around to see who was standing on the door. DAD?! I ran and hugged him. Then I felt some tremours, probably roy's footsteps.

"Dad i fucking missed you! what a surprise!"

No i don't regret i haven't let them know when i got back to the human side.

"Me too! I see you got old a bit. Oh wait is that a white hair?"
"Ha-ha. You're so funny"

I let go of him. It's weird. Mollie misses to hug someone!

"Anyways... meet roy"

I gestured him, both for him to come here and just... point at him, who were standing like... too far away. Well it isn't a big distance for him actually... probably takes 2 steps or so. Probably he is self concious or emberassed. Or just doesn't want to scare my dad off.

He stood still and wawed, smiling sheepishly.

"Come here son, don't be scared of me. I don't bite." He smiled up to him and gestured for him to come here.

Roy held us in his gaze for a second or so then finally took a step, hesitantly, got even largee, then another one and he was towering high high above us. His immense stature decreased to half, grew to x2 as he kneeled down over us, again, his warm and loving aura surrounding my every way.

Roy and i (g/t)Where stories live. Discover now