The colossal person

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He came, sat to the bench that is next to the bench (which made the floor vibrate) i sat on, i didn't really know which bus i had to take, so i needed to ask him about it, but well... when it comes to talking, i am not much of a talker, and also i was just terrified of him being too big...
"H-hey uhhh... i-i have to take a bus all the way to the uhhhh... "darkDeer studios" i finally beat my horrified mood and talked as fluently i could "ummm by any chance do you know... w-which of the bus i can take?" I felt so nervous as i talked to this colossal person next to me... well i don't even think he could hear me so it wouldn't be a surprise if i don't get an answer.
"Oh ummm" he leaned down to me, his already enormous body seeming even more gigantic with the affection of the perspective.

"Yeah well i-... its coming here right now..." i think that giants have better hearing. I mean he heard me yknow. Im just a tiny speck compared to him, i bet my voice is even tinier. I wonder if they have better smelling or seeing too.

"You want a hand?" He asked... I would want help but like... i didn't know what to do then i saw a shadow coming so me and felt thick and soft things around my body, his fingers. I can tell that he is being gentle, not squeezing me tightly, only enough to keep me in his hand... i feel his fingers let go of me as i being placed in front of a seat that suits my size.

"I-I'm sorry... I picked you up without any permission or warning... "
"N-No yeah like... it's okay, i understand your purpouse." I said.
He sucked his lips, and looked away which made me think that he is more similar to me...He looks awkward as i sit on his seat's windowsil seats? Oh shit i mean... i have never seen a giant this close, he is enormous... but he had chances to hurt me if he wanted to... but actually i just marveled at how he moved his body, like i am imagining inside of him like how his muscles are moving...
"I-I have never seen you there before" he said "are you new here?"
"Ahhhh y-yeah... i came here just today for a job that i am invited"

"i see... it must be exciting" he looked at me up and down. I felt a bit uncomfortable to be honest. I generally hate being stared at and now i am be,ng through the same thing, but the eyes are just way bigger than people who generally stare at me, which makes me even more uncomfortable than general. He opened his mouth just to say something then he closed his mouth and looked away. Then he finally said it.
"Hey uhhh... W... What's your name?"
Wow wow wow... shall i answer?
"Hey... mollie... i-i am roy, it's vquite nice to meet you..."
"Well i guess i-it's nice to meet you too..."
I can see him blush... very lightly. he lifted his hand and ran it through his hair... like when i do when i feel kind of stressed...
"Well it is time for you to go" he said... "your place is just... here... want some help?" Well i wanted some help... but i just can't ask a stranger to carry me? i mean he is also in size of a goddamn building! Even taller than a building actually...
"O- okay..." i said unintentionally... no going back... I saw him blush, now more noticable and he gently lifted and placed his colossal hand on the edge of the windowsil i sat on. He looked very careful and gentle though... i took a step to his hand skittishly. Each of His fingers are thicker than my body, and each one is taller. I imagined as they closed up on me and left me bteathless till i die. Drowning inside the flesh room, my brain slowly running out of oxygen.
"you okay there?... "
"Yeah... yeah sure like... it's my first time..."
"Oh..." it was like heart racing when i felt him moving, he was so fast, well i already saw that coming due to his immense size though...

He gently lowered his hand on the enterance of the giant building, watching me as i climb down of his hand. He wawed at me while he goes back to the bus, every step leaves a rumble beside that shakes my entire body.

I got in, and my boss was there, greeting me with a fake smile he had on, all his pawns on the table, all working hard for him to make him earn money. Well i wanted this job so much... so i am ignoring this all, all i want is to be happy.

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