Take five

56 3 4

I watched his hand getting closer to me. It stopped a few foot away from where i stand. Sending me a breeze because of the place it takes... I walked closer and took a step onto it.

"It's pretty late huh..." I shoot a look to the clock; 22.34. "Well i changed my mind, not really..." ha. Haha. Hahahaha. Funni.
"Yeah" he say. His voice sounds happy. I bet he enjoys holding me in his hands...
Idot mollie! IDIOT! jeez he of course loves to hold you! He FUCKING loves you! And you like him holding you, cuz you LOVE him too! Jesus! What a stupid argument this is! SO STUPID!

"Mollie?" I snapped to the real world. I am no longer on his hand? Oh! Torso got it!
"You good?" He brought a hand closer.
"You sure?"
"You know me... I lose myself in my toughts... A lot" i chuckled and walked through his hand that he brought closer. It feels weird to be on him. being on a 'landscape' that is completely made from... him. I kissed his hand. It seems even bigger when i get close to it. Even when it's sideways, its height is almost twice of mine.

"So... what now?" I asked.
"I have no idea... let's enjoy the moment i guess?"
"I want to cuddle too but... Naah i want to enjoy my newly healed foot."
"Okay... then what to do?"
"Uhhh... hide and seek? It would be fun to play in a house where everything is massive and your gigantic boyfriend chases you for a kiss...even to kill maybe..." i murmured at the last part, he meant not to hear it. But guess what? HE DID.
He looked frowned. I shouldn't in this situation but i couldn't hold it more and I started laughing with the thought of hannibal's (the series version that mads mikkelsen plays) frowned face at some scenes. It's just weird to think of him being frowned and worried. Like he is a pro (the movie version of hannibal where anthony hopkins plays is more pro for me and more charismatic but still series version is also pro). Then so much more funny and stupid things poped in my mind and i lost my control of laughing. This situation is also funny so i was laughing even worse.

"What happened now?" He stopped and probably -my eyes were closed but i could feel gis eyes on me- was watching me laugh uncontrollably. "N... No! Not agai-..." He started laughing too. I fell on my back. It was hard to stay balanced when the floor beneath you shakes violently like a 19.6 earthquake. I tried to get up but i failed. Then i felt thich warm things around then lifted up in the air.
Then he placed me to the nightstand again. It was a horifying trip where my waist pinched between two gigantic flesh pieces and lifted up like 40 meters -probably even more- in the air, with the risk of falling and breaking every bone i have in my body. Well... roy would have never let me fall tho.

My stomach started aching and i almost couldn't breathe.

"Why are... y... you laugh...ing!" He asked.
"I...It was j-...just a... just a thought" my stomach is aching.
"What... thought?" Something stupid.
"Some... something... stu-... pid."

After... (i glanced to the clock 22.43) 35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43... 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8... 9 minutes of laughing seizure we finally managed to stop. I perched on a book on his pillow, near his head. It was a weird angle where his head towered over my petite figure. I lost my balance (because the book was standing angled because of his head making a dent against the pillow) and fell on the pillow. I tried to get up but the pillow wasn't really making it easy. This is even soft for me! It would be so-soft-that-impossible-to-feel-it-under-your-head level soft for him. how can he even sleep on this thing!

None of us said a word... did i really break him what i said earlier? He didnt even looked at me yknow... but this was a stupid thing to be offended with. Well at least to callous-mollie. I finally managed to get up and stood on my tiptoes, supporting myself using his cheeks? Not really cuz i can't reach there. Let's say... side of his head. Yeah that's the best word i can use here i guess... trying to reach the highest i can to kiss him on the cheek (which is impossible).

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