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I quickly went deeper in the behind of the tv stand. Hoping he didn't see me. Now i can feel his presence, i don't need to see. I heard a loud click.


He was looking in the bedroom first! YESH! YESH! YESH! I snorted
"Jesus mollie why so childish today" i murmured to myself. Roy's footsteps faded away. Probably still searching inside the bedroom. I hummed something stupid while waiting. I like humming songs while i am not busy with anything. I sometimes even try to sing as bad and as loud as i could, and then spend some time with laughing.

I'm NoT InsANeeEeee

I felt his footsteps again, this time coming closer. his right foot slammed (gently) at the enterance of the back of the tv stand, also enterance of his room. He huffed. Stood here for a second then walked away. The "...a second" felt like a eternity, i thought he saw me. Maybe he did. I don't know.

this place really started to scare me. I never wanted to be close to cables, and i don't want now! Healready left the bedroom, he still may look at here but chances are lower. I dashed out of my hiding place. Jeez how did i get so deep in here! I ran some more then finally got out. I stood near the walls- no. Nononononnononono! ROYISCOMINGTHISWAY! Uugh NO! Dash dash dash dash!

Lifted in the air by two large meat pieces. Good job. Idiot! Did you really needed to get out you paranoid little child? Whatever, his fingers curled around me in a lose fist.


I am areally bad person. He is gonna hate me for doing this. Don't do this mollie! DON'T! I am a reaaaaaally reeaaaaallly bad peson. Evil. Evil person. Devil. But he deserved this since he found me. No mollie, he didn't and you know that perfectly well.

I let my intrusive thoughts win.

"Who gets his kisses hu-"
"Mollie?" He muttered softly

He rushed to the couch, not really being gentle but i can't blame him. But It's like i am gonna throw up! Well... i deserved that tho. And put his hand on the couch. I rolled myself to it.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" aaaaaaahhhh "CAN- can i -AAHH... squeeze YOUR! FingeAAAAAAAAAAA" he suddenly brought his finger close to me he looks like he is gonna cry. Okay end this mollie. This is not cool. NOT! COOL!

"aaaaaaaaaa. Aaaaaa" i made it sound fake for him to understand. The guilt in his eyes gone, and a mixture of coldness and pure dissapoint and relief came.
"Ha- ha. You are so funny" He pulled his finger away from me (a bit roughly), pinched my waist a bit more tight this time, but still not enough to hurt. He lowered me to the ground and gently let go of my waist. I watched him rise from the couch. And again looming over me. But this time not really welcoming, and a bit threadful. Staring at me from the sky. I know he is not gonna hurt me but... jeez. He looks so mighty and umm... HORRIFYING.

"Roy I'm so so-" he moved his foot that was closer to me forward and put it a away, then the other one. He stepped over me. I am not letting him go that easy. I have to esrn him back! Not time to be scared. I started running to keep up but... nope. Of course i knew i could never but umm still. And i want him to see me trying so hard to earn him back so he could show mercy and forgive me.

The distance is already so long that he could fit two times, seesh. I ran as fast as i could. He was pouring water slowly to a cup. I could call him but- no. I have to do this hard way. He stopped and glanced at the ceiling.

Counter is blocking my wiew.

I was almost there! I could see him again! AAAAAHHHHHH MY LEGS HURT! He started walking again. I was so close to the origin so the tremours were like 5.07000050312 earthquakes. And then they stopped and roy dissappeared. I dunno where he went. I glanced around. Oh there he is! Sitting on his desk. I ran at him. How could i make him notice me? Call? Nope. Hard way. Hard way... climb on his leg? Noooooo i can't with those jello legs. Climb on the desk? STOP! NO CLIMBING! no climbing.
No climbing? Says who?
So... me?
Idiot. Just get to climbing already. climb his leg! ... just do something!

I started climbing his shoe. Ugh. Why leg. I am so emberassed. But i'm doing this to earn him back aren't i? Problems solved! Get to climbing! What if i fall? I wont fall roy won't let. Won't let? He doesn't know where you are right now. Believe me. He does. Do you think he DOESN'T feel your tiny weight?

I suddenly felt thick and warm- his fingies! Fingies. Yay! I knew he wouldn't let me suffer! If he won't torture me. STOOOOOOPP. he won't. You know that. I am being lowered to black fabric. And he let go of me. I am... -i glanced around- on his thigh. Right or left? Left. K. Sure why not? Why are you making it seem like you think şt matters? Seem? Jeez mollie nobody can read inside of your brain.

"I'm sorry roy... I shouldn't have played with your emotions like that and i swear to god i regret this."
"Yeah i can see that... But really mollie what were you thinking! I almost had a heart attack!"
"I'm sorry... I know how sensitive you are... but i really was feeling playful and i couldn't resist the urge! But i swear i regret it! Like... i can't regret more. I can't hate myself more than i do now! will you forgive me?" I hugged his waist. Well you know what i mean. Not really a hug but whatever.
"Yeah yeah okay. Forgived." He did jazz hands.
"Are we good?"
"We're good"
"Same as before?"
"Better than before" he chuckled. My heart dripping to my liver. He hugged me back (pressed me to his waist.)

Wait... better than before? Really? I made the worst joke i could make and he says "better" than before. Oh. Well he saw how much i care about him so... yeah. Makes sense.

"Hey i never asked you abıut your music preferences. I suppose you like jazz by 'take five' am i right?"
"Well... wait... you like jazz too?"
"Well yes but only classic jazz. I also listen big band and 60's songs. Ready for a attack of my fave songs?"
"Yeah sure"
"Okay. Breath breath breath. I like:
ferry cross the mersey
Golden brown
Beyond the sea
Something stupid
Papa loves mambo
Almost every piece of dave brubeck
Sealed with a kiss
Happy together
Almost every pieces of Dick dale
High hopes (pink floyd)
Like so many songs of frank sinatra
I listen to the songs for their melodies or like... enstrumental minutes or even seconds of the songs. There is more but those are the ones i can remember."
"You have a good taste i guess... But i generally listen to blues."
"Oh yeah blues is good. I really like dick dale. He does rock n roll tho... not blues. Whatever I listen his guitar solos. His guitar's voice is so good."
"Oh yeah it is."

Thats all. A W K W A R D

"Ookay. Wanna watch something?"
"I really don't want to leave on you but can you put me on your desk for a second?"
Sure. He pinched me again and lifted me. And lowered me on his desk. He let go of me.

"You can maybe... get closer?" I gestured him to get closer. He obliged and slowly brought his head closer to me. I can barely reach under his lower lip while being the same level with his head. So he'll need to tilt his head a bit. "Tilt your head a bit forward?" I kissed his lips a few times. Then he pushed them, making me yelp with being pushed suddenly but i got my balance back.

"Okay. Now put me back on your tigh."
"Yes milady." He brought his hand palm up amd i stepped on it. His face got smaller as he lowered me. I shifted to his thigh and leaned to his waist. Sweet. And i even had a blanket! Made from flesh! Pat pat. He patted on me... bruhh.

Roy and i (g/t)Where stories live. Discover now