New home (i definetely feel comfortable)

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"Okay... i'm done... l-lets go home" noooo i don't want to go to your house yet! I want to sleep at the hotel! Oh... wait...
"Ohhh crap... " i murmured, roy heard
"Hm? What happened?" He asked.
"Okay... i just forgot my suitcase and my bag at the hotel... maybe you go home and i can sleep at my room?"
"Nope... we are going there tohether, they probably won't let you stay there a night more" okay i will have to stay at roy's tonight... anxiety
"You want hand or pocket?" He said. Well i actually loved pocked so...
"Okay uhhh... pocket?" I said, he shoke his head in the meaning of "yes" and he put his hand in front of me waiting me to climb on his hand, so did i. He slowly lifted me, and stopped when he got his hand on the pocket level. I hopped down to his pocket, and everything was dark since almost no light could reach inside of the pocket.

I felt him walking then stop, and heard a door open, then close. i can see the moon when i look up.

He bended himself and again reached with his index and i hugged it, then he put me on the ground. I got in and packed my stuff and got out.

I got some kind of urge to hug my bag tightly, which i did so. i don't know why, maybe its psychological or i liked the texture of it.

I felt the feeling when somebody looked at me, like the heaviness of their gazes. I looked up and saw 2 gigantic eyes looking at me, shining in the moonlight.

His gaze locked on my eyes, and i feel his heart beat got so much speedier, i can't see the colors of his face properly, but i know he blushed. I don't need to see his face to know if he is blushing.

I looked to the ground (the floor of the pocket) unintentionally, nd was blushing so hard. And when i look at my chest, i can see it move rhytmically.

I can still feel his heartbeat, but it slowed a bit down compared to it's speed one minute ago, but it is still above the general speed. I feel him shift a bit. and i heard some metals hitting each other, probably his keys, which means we got there. The movement doesn't stop, probably because of his arms moving around.

I heard a loud click sound, he probably unlocked the door, which is probably even taller than his height, and another mechanic sound. Maybe the door handle? and the more of the metals hitting each other, which i think he removed the keys. He got inside as i see when i look up, once i was seeing the black and blue mixture of the sky, and now a ceiling, a high, high up ceiling. He got in the house.

I feel him stopped walking, actually not feeling anything so he stopped walking.
"Okay uhhh... we are here... you wanna get out?"
"Well i would't say no..."
"Okay..." he said and i felt the movement again when he unlocked the door, and took my suitcase and my bag in a hurry, i didn't notice that i stopped hugging bag. and felt his fingers around me, slowly getting me out of his pocket. I took a look around me as he lowered me to his desk, and he placed me on it.

"Seesh!... this place looks gorgeous" i said "you have a good taste big guy" i teased. Cranning my neck to see his face, so high up from mine.

"Thank you, i like in here eihter" he smiled warmly as he sat on the chair. I didn't know what to do or say, so i just smiled up to him... hoping not being rude.

"what do you want to watch? Actually we don't have to watch something if you don't want to"

Well i really liked gore... or thriller.

" i don't think we should watch my things"... "they are like... bloody?" I never really get trhrilled when i watch thriller or psychologic thriller, or get disturbed when i watch gore, but i do feel something strange in me when i see someone just lightly hurt in reality. I always liked the seraial killer content. I loved dexter, even if the series wasn't good at the cinematic... he was smart, a serial killer, a sociopath and he was so adorable somehow... i always wondered how can he be that adorable when he was a serial killer... which made the series a little bit unrealistic.

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