Random Headcanons! :)

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Since I don't really feel like making a whole other book on headcanons, I'll do it here, if that's alright!

Enjoy :)



- Gives tight hugs
- Awfully stutters around his crush
- Will probably sneak around, just to get food at 3am
- Will pout if he doesn't get his ways
- Likes exploring and finding new things
- Acts like a baby time from time
- Easily amazed
- Clingy
- Not allowed to ever swear
- Looks innocent, but not at all
- Likes to climb on things
- Prefers calling than texting
- Early bird/Morning person


- Will get embarrassed if he gets anything wrong.
- Has an actual cute smile
- Will dip his cookies in milk
- Secretly deeply cares for Hinata
- Has a good nail routine.
- Wants to befriend others, but too nervous.
- Tries to give others compliments, but it turns out very awkward.
- Asks Sugawara for advice on how to befriend people


- Loves the sound of thunder and rain
- Dog person
- Has a little bit of ADHD
- Has trouble pouring things
- Laughs off his embarrassment
- Flustered easily
- Likes jumping on his friends backs
- Used to be a skateboarder
- Likes to impress girls
- Sometimes carries a small nerf gun
- Stole multiple candies
- Will burn anything he tries to cook


- Mother of the team
- Very supportive
- Will give you great advice
- Mostly a therapist
- Sweet like sugar!
- A bit overprotective
- Loves art museums
- Likes watching cooking shows
- Loves children
- Tries to settle things down if it gets too chaotic
- Understanding


- Cat person (though allergic..)
- Loves romantic movies
- Very sensitive
- Has asthma
- Likes either strawberry or vanilla ice cream
- Goes for walks to calm down
- Struggling to find out her sexuality
- Very aware
- Has a great active imagination
- Accidentally trimmed her hair too short
- Can't stand anything spicy
- Very nervous when it comes to PDA



- Comes up with nicknames 24/7
- Flustered easily when ever looking at his crush.
- Will definitely brag about Kenma
- Will embarrass people in public
- Makes random poses
- Makes dirty jokes often
- Tries his best to actually get good at video games
- Likes black cats


- Works at Gamestop
- Owns a few cats
- Also a bit anxious when it comes to PDA
- Secretly wants someone to play video games with
- Has trust issues
- His favorite game is either Minecraft or Animal crossing
- Broken sleep schedule
- Skips out on volleyball practice sometimes
- Owns a big cat plushie to snuggle with secretly
- Listens to lofi while playing his games
- Anime lover
- Secretly has pink cat headphones


- Eats way too fast
- Kinda annoyed about his height at times
- Moves in his sleep a lot
- Can understand Russian songs
- Needs to be handled by Yaku at times
- Stans a kpop band
- A bit overdramatic
- Owns a Russian Blue cat breed


- Another mom of the team
- Loves to experiment and bake
- Likes to give himself pep talks
- Enjoys action movies
- Sometimes needs to scold Lev
- Likes drama TV shows
- Spills drama/tea often
- Can have mood swings



- Acts like an excited puppy
- Likes carnival rides
- Also acts like a baby/child
- Dog person
- Likes nature
- Loves sweets/candy
- Has accidentally eaten plastic
- Will eat snow
- Hypes himself and team up
- Actually likes owls
- The best hugger
- Will always splash in puddles when it rains
- Horrible at video games
- Sometimes pouty
- Bad at keeping personal space


- Has to basically babysit Bokuto
- Cannot keep Bokuto out of his sight for three seconds
- Sarcastic
- Secretly overprotective
- Sometimes talks with his mouth full
- Shows more emotions towards his crush
- Mostly a bystander
- Likes the sound of rain
- Would rather text than call
- Doesn't really like coloring
- Owns a few video games, due to Bokuto
- Mostly has a lot of cool stuff
- Great at cooking

That's it for now, my hands are cramping..

More soon! :D

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