The Slow Blink | KuroKen

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Kenma sat in his pitch black room, the only source of light was coming off of his video game console. He slanted his eyes down at the game, clenching the controllers on each side.

Kenma and Kuroo both shared a room, so Kenma tried his best to stay quiet as possible. Kuroo rolled over to Kenma's direction in his sleep, his jaw slightly open. Kenma glanced down at the captain beside him, pausing the game.

Kenma slowly placed one hand on Kuroo's shoulder, gently stroking it with a faint smile. A soft sigh exited his throat, blinking slowly towards Kuroo.

“You should go to sleep too, Kenma.” Kuroo muttered with a smirk, opening one eye. Kenma slightly jumped, his eyes widened at the captain. Kuroo was faking his sleep—just to see what Kenma would do. Kenma grumbled in embarrassment, covering part of his mouth into his hoodie.

Kuroo snickered, pulling the setter closer towards his body, making Kenma lay down. His video game console pressed up against Kenma's nose as he squinted at the brightness of the screen. He eventually turned off his console, his attention on Kuroo.

“You're lucky to have me, y'know.” Kuroo whispered, giving the setter a small peck on the side of his face, rubbing his black dyed roots on his golden hair. Kenma gave a nod, clinging onto the captain. “Am I?” Kenma responded as a small joke, even though he agreed.

Kuroo gave Kenma a tight hug before loosening it for Kenma's comfort level. “Of course you are, kitten.” Kuroo tapped Kenma's nose, along with a small nickname.

Kitten. Kenma loved that nickname. Kuroo used it all the time, but Kenma would prefer him to only use it when it was only them alone.

Kuroo grabbed his phone next to him, search up something. Kenma's eyes went over towards Kuroo's phone screen, watching him quickly type his question in the search bar.

“There. Why do cats slowly blink?” Kuroo gave a smile towards Kenma, like the setter already knew. Kenma never knew what it meant, he's just seen other cats do it to other people, mostly him though.

“A sign of trust... blah blah.. and..” Kuroo paused, his grin slowly getting wider. He looked at Kenma once more, showing him the last few words Kuroo had read.

“Your screen is too bright..” Kenma mumbled, squinted again. Kuroo chuckled with a shrug. “You're saying that, like your video games aren't bright at all, Mr Kozume Kenma.” Kuroo slightly teased, rubbing Kenma's left side of his face.

Kenma dismissed the topic with a shake to his head, beginning to read the words Kuroo had shown him. His eyes quickly went back and forth, then stopped. As soon as Kuroo noticed Kenma's action, he could help but laugh underneath his breath.

“Here, lemme say it out loud..” Kuroo looked at his phone again, eventually adjusting the brightness of the screen. “The slow blink is a way of saying that your cat loves you.” Kuroo placed down his phone, staring at Kenma for a few seconds.

Kenma stared back, eventually both of them slowly blinking at the same time. “I love you more, then.” Kuroo gave Kenma a soft cuddle, resting his chin on Kenma's head. “No, I do.” Kenma whispered, pulling back Kuroo's black, silky hair to see his other eye. “I do.” Kuroo responded back, sticking his tongue out halfway.

Kenma lifted up Kuroo's chin, causing the captain to gently bite down on his own tongue. He slowly closed his jaw himself, twirling and wrapping one of Kenma's hairstrands around his finger. “I do, Kuroo.” Kenma slanted his eyes, trying to look mad. Kuroo shrugged. “I loved you first.”

Kenma closed his mouth, having no response. He exhaled, tightening the hug and cuddle.

Eventually, things went silent, before the two knew it, they were both asleep, still in their cuddle position all night.

Kuroo and Kenma! I love them, along with a dozen more ships in the Haikyuu fandom.

Have an amazing day!

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