Chapter Thirty-Six

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When "Infinite Stratos" ranked seventh, only a small number of insiders noticed this harem series.

Although Shura was mentioned in the January file this year, it was only the top three fierce ones, and there were not many that could be picked up by video sites and played. Therefore, their impression of "IS" was only "too vulgar, but The quality of the harem fan is not bad."

When "IS" ranked fourth, everyone began to realize that this animation called "IS" may not be as simple as a green leaf next to popular masterpieces such as "Blood Rose" and "Xianzun".

When "IS" punched "Xianzun" and stepped on "Blood Rose", counterattacked the first place, and there was a tendency to widen the gap with the second place, everyone realized it belatedly, This is not a green leaf, it is clearly a poor dick who premeditated to usurp the throne, but also succeeded in usurping the throne!

To say that "Blood Rose" or "Immortal" reached the top, everyone still thinks it is justifiable. After all, these two animations have the foundation of the previous and original works, but why is "IS"?

Based on its simple and crude plot, is it shameless enough?

Everyone was simply puzzled.

But it is such a harem fan that most people in the industry look down upon. After lurking for a month, it brazenly ascended the throne!

Holding the mentality of finding faults or learning, more people who eat melons, and people who are engaged in animation-related industries clicked on "IS". The originally unharmonious comment area was completely polarized, boasting to the sky, hating to the ground, and it was almost like saying "animation that only brainless abandoned houses would like".

Know the app, the search bar is the first.

#How to evaluate the recent popular "Infinite Stratos"?

sweet wine


Thank you.

"The Little Prince" fell into the pit, and "Infinite Stratos" was clicked within less than two minutes after watching the beginning. Now I am turning away from Musuxing and Huaying animation fans, and I am very disappointed with "IS" and its production team.

I personally like "The Little Prince" very, very much, especially after learning that the chief director of "The Little Prince", Mu Juxing, is only a student this year-in my opinion, Mu Juxing is a very talented and talented person. A talented animation director with potential, his grasp of the lens is perfect, photography can often find some unexpected, but very aesthetic angles, even if you don’t watch the plot, just look at the lens itself, it’s a kind of enjoyment .

I have watched the whole series of "The Little Prince" back and forth no less than ten times, and I can find new surprises every time. As many fans said, each frame can be directly screenshotted as a wallpaper, and the sophistication of its production is amazing People are amazing!

The vast universe, the small planet, the teenager sitting on the planet with his knees hugged, and the carefully cared-for rose growing in the glass case, the scene design of "The Little Prince" well combines the fantasy of fairy tales with the vastness and illusion of the universe. When you look closely, you can clearly feel the loneliness floating in the picture. The beautiful and sad picture texture once made me look forward to the future works of Shepherd Star.

But what the hell is "Infinite Stratos"?

Some people say that the production of "IS" is also very good. What are the battle scenes and mecha design talking to me? Besides these, what else is there in "IS"? Can you find even a picture full of beauty like "The Little Prince" in it? Can the missing scenes of the heroine be called beautiful? Do not make jokes!

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