Chapter 129

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In order to prove that he is not just trying to appease readers, in addition to Sherlock Holmes on the cover, among the photos taken by Mu Xingxing, there are also several photos of subsequent manuscripts of the Sherlock Holmes series. Of course, in order to avoid spoilers, these drafts involving subsequent plots are coded.

But for readers who are still immersed in the depression of Holmes' death, it is obviously enough.

The first ones to notice such a notice from Mu Su Xing were the restless readers who scrolled through Weibo:

"Woooooooooo scared me to death, great, Sherlock is not dead! I knew the stars would not be so cruel!"

"Mom, am I dreaming! The stars have changed their minds? Is the sun coming out from the west?"

"??? Upstairs, what nonsense are you talking about? We Xingxing have always been so considerate! And to be reasonable, Xingxing didn't explicitly say that Sherlock Holmes was dead from the beginning to the end, right? The latest comics also said that they didn't find out. Sherlock's body, falling into the waterfall does not mean death, maybe this is just a foreshadowing and turning point, it can only be said that you have imagined too much."

"I understand the truth, so why was there such a big fuss before and the stars didn't even come out to explain it? I almost died of fright when I saw Moriarty and Holmes falling down the waterfall."

"Could it be that after Xing Xing finished painting "The Last Case", he continued to retreat and paint the follow-up, because he didn't know about it all the time, so he didn't show up?"

As the news that "Holmes is not dead" spread quickly, the readers who were angry because of "The Last Case" gradually calmed down. For them, as long as Holmes is not dead, they can say anything.

At the same time, readers who were originally protesting outside Huaying's office building also found notices one after another.

"Holmes is not dead? Is it true?"

"Xingxing posted all the comics in the next issue, so it's unlikely to be fake?"

Some people were dubious about this sudden news of death, and some people, after regaining their composure, spontaneously explained to Mu Xingxing: "It shouldn't be fake. Xingxing seems to have drawn the next issue of the series. In fact, when I think about it now, , There are indeed some doubts in "The Last Case", and it makes sense strictly speaking that Holmes is not dead."

After confirming the safety of Holmes, everyone who gradually regained their senses also calmed down. The readers gathered outside Huaying's office building gradually dispersed, and the readers who protested Holmes' death in various online forums also calmed down.

They are waiting.

Whether they believe in the Alps or those who don't, all those who care about Holmes' life and death will eventually turn their attention to the next issue of "Painting Comics"——

Is Holmes dead?

Did Shepherd never intend to let Holmes take advantage of it from the beginning to the end, or did he reluctantly give up killing Holmes because of the readers' protest?

With such questions in mind, everyone soon waited for another release date of "Hua Ying Manga".

Following "The Final Case" in which Holmes and Moriarty both fell into a waterfall, the subsequent series of short stories is called "The Empty House". Similar to the previous article, "The Empty House" also unfolds from Watson's perspective -

It turns out that Holmes did not really die in the showdown under the waterfall. In order to prevent the people around him and more other innocent people from being killed. Holmes chose to fake his death in order to capture Moriarty's remnants.

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