Chapter 52

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Qi Ling originally didn't intend to pursue "My Hero Academia".

What really made her change her mind was actually an inspirational mixed-cut fan video in Yueqi's video. She originally went for another anime she liked included in the up clip, until the plot was unfamiliar and the characters familiar. The fragment, with the inspirational BGM presented in front of her eyes——

"You must be a hero."

The painting style is still the same, and the characters are still the same, but Qi Ling's heart is moved. She can't tell whether it is the high quality of the animation itself, or the superior editing skills. There is a moment, she has never seen this animation, but At this moment, I suddenly had the urge to cry.

Idle is also idle, anyway, she doesn't have any anime to watch for the time being, since so many people recommend it, let's give it a try.

In this way, Qi Ling found "My Hero Academia" in Yueqi's video with the mentality of looking casually and being ugly at any time. She found a bag of potato chips from the refrigerator, and while eating snacks, she slowly refilled them, spouting a few words from time to time:

"The production team really don't think the male protagonist's look is particularly strange? What color hair is not good, it is actually green...Hmm? This one named All Might is the male protagonist's idol, right? It looks so different The two characters in the animation are too inconsistent..."

When the young version of Lugu Izuku was sitting unsteadily in front of the computer, Qi Ling fell into deep thought as he stared at the young boy on the screen.

This main character...seems kind of cute...

Sometimes, a real fragrance may only need a beginning. Or to put it in another easier-to-understand way - once you accept this style of painting, it seems that it's actually not bad?

When Izuku Lvgu received the admission letter from Xiongying High School, raised his head, and smiled at his mother, Qi Ling only felt that his whole body was cute, and all the prejudice against the style of painting earlier was thrown aside.

"Omg this smile! Explosion cute! I'm dying!"

"When Uncle Ou picked up the little angel, it felt like a big man holding a child... Ah, they are so nice! I will always like them!"

If there must be something that makes Qi Ling feel dissatisfied, it is——

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Katsuki is too annoying!" Qi Ling felt a little bit resentful.

Not afraid of villains being bad—well, Katsuki Bakugo is not a villain. In short, what is more terrifying than a villain being a villain? It's this person who hates you, but he can't make you hate him to the end, and he does have some attractive qualities...

Can you still be a bad guy? It's not bad in the middle, but in turn being ignored and bullied, what should she do if she doesn't hate him for a while!

"Complaining" belongs to "complaining", Qi Ling continued to watch, the little brother with white red hair she saw on the wallpaper hasn't appeared yet!

"It looks very cold, maybe it's the cold and cold brother that is common in juvenile comics? This character design is nothing new..." Qi Ling muttered. Although there is nothing wrong with the cold and cruel brother Fan, I always feel a little disappointed.


Fuck! Is this really a traditional high-cold guy character design? What's with this obedient feeling! Can I touch Mr. Hong's head secretly! Just one click! QQ

With full of enthusiasm for the new male god, Qi Ling caught up with the serial progress of "My Hero Academia" in one go!

The days of chasing serials are always painful and sweet, and I urgently need someone to brag about the male god with me. Qi Ling found the personal section of Hong Jiaodong in a certain animation forum, and happily started watching fans.

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