Chapter 1

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Amaya's pov

it's my first day of school, since the summer break i will see my boyfriend and my bestfriend luna and everyone else I was in such a hurry. I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, but I didn't have time for makeup. When I rushed downstairs, I saw my dad, and I really love him. He's been there for me ever since my mom died in a car crash i felt always something missing but luckily i still have my 5 other brothers but they're now in Italy for business.

We may not always do everything together; we sometimes go our separate ways. But deep down, we'll always have love for each other.

"amaya hurry and eat your breakfast fast you will be late meet me at the car im bringing you to school" my dad says in a sigh

"okay and thankyou" i say with a smile

i eat my pancake and it tastes so fucking good now this is one of the hunderd things i love about my dad he can cook as im finishing my food i take my bag, lock the door and walk to my dads car i enter it and sit down finally.


"Bye, Dad!" I yell as I walk away from the car, entering the school building. I spot Luna immediately; she walks over and gives me a hug as if she hasn't seen me in ages. I hug her back, saying, "I missed you." She chuckles in response, "Me too. So, what's up? Are you going to do something today?" I reply, walking to the lockers, "No, I don't think so."

"Okay, it's the first day of school, so there's a party tonight. Don't say no because you're definitely coming," she insists. I know I can't say no to her. "Did you maybe see Luca?" I ask. "No, want to search for him?" she suggests. I nod and walk around the school; my class will start in 10 minutes, so I have time.

"Look, there he is. Girl, who is that?" Luna and I look over and see him with some girl. I don't think much of it; I trust him. I look at Luna, who is already looking at me. We both give a side-eye and walk over to them. The girl notices us, gives us an up-and-down look with a straight face- toxic.

"Hey, babe, I missed you," he says.

"I missed you too." I hug him, and he, of course, hugs me back.

"So, what are you guys doing here alone?" Luna asks Lucas and the girl. The girl rolls her eyes and walks away; she's weird.

"Oh, nothing. We're just friends. Don't worry about her," Lucas says. And lucas looks nervous.

I tell Lucas that I'm going to my class and that I'll see him later. Luna grabs my arm, walking me to my class. We look at the paper and see that we're in the same class; damn, that's the best feeling.

We walk into the class and see everyone. We walk to the back where we usually sit, and I drop my bag. I look over and see some new faces, a new teacher. She looks nice, though.

Luna looks at me and says, "Didn't you find the girl weird? I asked her something, and she walked away. I feel like something is wrong."

I look at her and say, "I don't know; I trust him. Nothing could happen."

Luna nods; I completely understand her, but I really trust my boyfriend.
After school

"Finally," I sighed, glancing at Luna. We walked to my locker, grabbed some things before leaving school. "So, Amaya, we're heading to the mall. You've got to wear a dress to show off your beauty," Luna said, laughing. I really love this girl. "But it shouldn't be too short, okay?" I said. She nodded in agreement. We took a taxi to the mall, and inside, it was bustling as always.

"Let's go to that store," she said.

We walked over, and they had some beautiful dresses. Luna picked some for me, thinking I have bad taste. Maybe she's right, I don't know.

"Amaya, you'll try these, and I don't want to hear 'no,'" she insisted. "Fine," I responded.

I entered the dressing room, changed, and chose a cute pink dress. It was a bit hard to get in, but so beautiful. Looking in the mirror, I gasped; it was cute but short.

"Amaya, can I see?" Luna asked. "Yes, come in," I replied.

She walked in, looked from my toes to my head, and was in shock.

"Girl, this is it! Yes, yes, yes, you are wearing this, okay?" she said with enthusiasm.

"But you know that Lucas doesn't like when I wear things that are too short," I said. I know Luna hates him with her whole heart.

"Girl, forget him, okay? It's just one night, and who said he will be there? He can't always control you," she said, sighing and rolling her eyes. She's right.

"Fine, let's get this one." i say back

I changed into my normal clothes and walked to the checkout. I bought the dress, called my dad to pick us up from the mall, and we'd get ready at my house.

Hii, beautifulls. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the first time I've written a book, and I'd love to know what you all think about this chapter 💕💕

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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