Chapter 31

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It's a little past 10 and im still awake. Im sitting on my bed. with nothing but a lamp on, casting a relaxing dim glow around my room.

Between my eyebrows as i chew on the gum, through all the rain, i hear a few rock thrown at my window.

Who the fuck is that i mumble to myself. I hear nothing in response. Only that steady tapping against the window.

His silhouette is dimly illuminated by the light spilling from behind me.

I see just enough to make out the scampish grin plastered onto his handsome face. He's probably enjoying this way too much.

He raises his finger to his lips as if to say "not a word." He then continues to throw pebbles at my window.

He nods his head in the 'yes' direction and, at first,i think it's because he wants me to go downstairs. But then he makes the hand motion of 'come here.'

i sneak out through the window and say "what are you doing here."

He covers my mouth so quickly that i don't have time to let out so much as a squeak. He pulls me closer, his breath ghosting against my neck as he whispers, "I couldnt sleep. I had to see you."

"No this is wrong you got a girlfriend." i say letting out a sigh.

He shushes me again before pressing his fingers against my lips and whispering, "Shhhhhh. I don't anymore. And I'm here to fix that... If you'll let me." this feels wrong .

He pulls his fingers away and holds my face firmly and looks me straight in the eyes as he says, "Look at me. This doesn't feel wrong to me. It just feels right." shit i probably said that out loud. I pull away from him and say that we cant do this.

He pulls me back into him and whispers, "Why not? I'm single and you want to. I feel it." He leans against the side of my body as he speaks, rubbing his hand down the length of my side.

He runs his fingers over the back of my neck as he leans into me. His breath heats my ear and i can feel the warmth of his body as he whispers, "I want you to love me and I want you to want me." His head falls as if he's going to kiss me, but he holds himself back. In his eyes, you see passion.

"You will hate me if i tell you what happend." i say tears filling my eyes.

He's still holding my face but he gives me a confused look as he says, "No. I won't. I promise." He still looks a bit unsure, but he pulls me back closer to him.

"I'm sorry that I hid that I was pregnant with your child, and I had a miscarriage." i say crying now

His body relaxes as he lets out a gentle sigh. His grip on me loosens and his lips are just a breath away from mine.

If anyone could see the expression on his face right now, it would be one of pure relief. He holds my face lightly as he whispers, "I'm sorry you went through that alone. I'm sorry I wasn't there to support you."

I didn't expect him to say that to me. "I thought you would be mad and never want to speak to me again."

His body warms against mine in a comforting way. He lifts up my chin so i am looking into his eyes as he says, "I'm not mad at all. If anything I'm worried, about is you and about how I let you handle this by yourself. Can I ask why you didn't call me?"

"I felt embarresed i thought you wouldn't accept" i say crying now in his chest

hugging me and rubbing my back as he says, "I'm so sorry that you thought that. I would never think such a thing. But it is also my fault. I didn't even know there was a problem. If I'd have been more involved maybe I would have noticed the signs."

"Its okay can we forget about this" i ask him

He gives me a small, comforting kiss on the forehead as he says, "We can forget all about it. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I am fine but i gotta go i will see you around." i tell him still holding into him

He nods his head. His eyes linger on me for another couple seconds before he gives me last kiss on my forehead and then he lets me go. A relief washes my body and finally i let it out now i can sleep in peace.
This is one of the shortest chapter but damn i loved this chapter, i wrote this chapter while i was calling with my friend i couldn't focus but it still turned good.

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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