Chapter 29

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Feeling trapped at my dad's place, I decide to take a break at a nearby bookstore to clear my head. The bookstore smells like books, which is kinda nice and comforting. Rows of books invite me to explore different worlds, giving a break from my own troubles.

Leaving the bookstore later, the evening air feels cool. But when I turn the corner, I spot Dante leaning on his motorcycle. Our eyes meet, and it hits me I left him almost three months ago. Emotions flood me, and a tear falls, silently saying how much I've missed him.

He looks at me as i walk towards him but he immediately looks the other way.

"No long time no see, huh?" I say, questioning my own words. Why am I acting like this?

He stops for a moment, looking at me, lost in thought. Dante appears curious before walking towards me, asking, "Why are you talking to me?"

"Am I not allowed to talk to you?" I respond, puzzled by his nonchalant demeanor.

He pauses before saying in a cold voice, "Just don't waste my time, okay?" Dante puts his hands in his pockets, giving me a cold stare.

Still, he stares at me, his expression unwaveringly cold. "So why are you back?" Dante asks.

I sigh, rolling my eyes, and say, "Because I felt like coming back."

He pauses before his expression changes, speaking in a more aggressive tone. "I have a girl in my life now, so leave me alone!" His anger is palpable as he glares at me.

"You never cared about me, huh?" I retort in a cold tone, unwilling to show any emotions.

He stops and glares at me. "Don't play the victim now. You left me alone for 3 months without an explanation. What was I supposed to do in all that time?"

He is right; it's my fault. Still, he could have searched better and not given up on me. "Don't fucking yell at me," I say to him.

"Don't tell me what to do," he replies angrily. Taking a deep breath, he pauses before saying, "I know you have issues, but that is not my problem anymore. I have moved on, so should you."

"Moved on from what? We didn't date; we were just friends with benefits," I shoot back, feeling like I'm only hurting myself more.

His expression grows colder; he crosses his arms and says, "Do you really call that a friendship? What I see is that you just used me for nothing more than your own amusement, and now you expect to come back and pretend like everything is okay?"

"I never used you for anything. Weren't you the one making out with Stella in the hot tub?" I challenge, frustrated by his delusional accusations.

Dante freezes at the mention of her name; his expression turns to hate and jealousy. "Shut up. Stella means nothing; I was just having a bit of fun with her."

I slap him across the face, his attitude making me mad. Dylan quickly grabs my wrist, firmly pushing me against the wall while glaring at me.

"Did you just slap me?" he asks in a very intimidating tone.

"Yes, I did," I say and walk away, having no energy for this argument.

Dante keeps looking at me as I walk away, visibly angry, jealous, and irritated. I feel his stare lingering as I leave the place.

my mind was racing with thoughts. I couldn't believe what I had just heard from him. He had just told me that the dante had been seeing someone else,he has a girlfriend. I felt so foolish and betrayed. How could he do this to me? I had trusted him and thought he was different from all the other guys I had been with. But now, I couldn't even stand to be in the same city as him again. This was the reason why I left him, because he could be so toxic yet always so nice. It was a constant rollercoaster of emotions with him. I regretted ever getting involved with him.

As I let out a frustrated sigh, I heard my dad's voice calling out to me. 'Amaya, come to my office,' he said sternly. I knew I couldn't ignore him, so I made my way to his office and knocked on the door. 'Come in,' he said, his voice sounding serious. I opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me. 'Yes, dad? You wanted to speak to me?' I asked, trying to keep my composure.

He nodded and said, 'There is a mafia ball happening next week and you have to come. It's important and you can't stay home.' I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who would be there - Dante. I didn't want to see him or even be in the same room as him. I wanted to bring my friend Luna with me, but I knew I couldn't. The only good thing about this ball was that I would finally homegirl, Arya. At least that was something to look forward to.

As I made my way back to my room, I decided to give Arya a call. 'Hey, how are you?' I asked when she picked up

. 'I'm fine, how about you?' she replied.

If only she knew the truth about how I was feeling.

'I'm good, thank you babes. So, are you going to the mafia ball?' I asked

,hoping she would say yes. After a few seconds of silence, she finally responded, 'Um, yeah, I was thinking of going. But if you're going, then I'll definitely go.'

We talked for another 15 minutes before I hung up. Lately, I had been feeling better after the miscarriage. It was hard to move on, but I had accepted it.

However, I still felt guilty for not telling Dante about the pregnancy and for losing his child. I knew I would blame myself for that, but I had to learn to forgive myself and move on.



.Hey babes! So, should I write a book for Luna? I feel like her book would be way better. This is my first time writing one, and it's hard because English isn't my first language.

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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