Chapter 5

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I woke up to my alarm feeling exhausted; it's Monday, and I have school again. I regret staying up so late last night. My father hasn't spoken to me since Saturday. I quickly get ready, doing my makeup and attempting to straighten my hair, which doesn't cooperate. Heading downstairs, I find my father already gone, probably at work. I grab my bag from the floor and notice Luna waiting for me outside. I give her a hug,

saying, "Hey, Luna." We walk to the bus, and she excitedly tells me, "Guess what? There's a new classmate today, and I heard he comes from a rich family. People even say he might be part of the mafia."

She said, now out of breath, "First of all, you damn well know the mafia ain't real. Second of all, I don't care about this stupid boy." I replied irritated,

"Girl, come on now, don't be a jerk. You don't even know him." The bus finally arrived, and we checked in. Luna gave me one of her AirPods, and we listened to Stunna Girl, a really good rapper I love. After a 15-minute ride, we finally arrived at school.

"Why are they looking at us?" I whispered into Luna's ear.

"I don't think they're looking at us; look at those boys on the motorcycles." I looked behind me and saw three men on motorcycles who all looked alike but weren't triplets. Anyway, I dragged Luna with me to our first-class, math. We sat in the back, and after 5 minutes, the teacher arrived.

"Welcome, class. I hope you all had a great weekend, and we have new classmates," says the bald art teacher.

I take out my notebook and pencil, not bothering to look up. I hear footsteps entering the classroom, and some girl shamelessly exclaims, "Oh my god, he is so fine." I glance at her, wondering what her boyfriend would think about her calling another boy fine.

"Oh damn, he can fuck me now. Amaya, don't you think we know the other boy? They kinda look alike, don't they?" Luna whispers in my ear,

sparking my curiosity. I look at them, and suddenly it hits me.

"Wait, is he really who I think he is? Luna, get up, stop it. Isn't this the guy I hooked up with three days ago at the party?" I say,

my jaw dropping to the floor. No, no, no, this can't be happening. I hope he doesn't recognize me.

"Amaya, I think it is him. Do you know his name?" Luna asks.

"No, he never told me his name. He only called me Angelo or something. He's probably Italian," I say, stressing out.

"Okay, calm down. He won't sit near us, but you know, his friend or cousin can come and fuck this pussy." Luna says, making me give her a 'are you serious?' look.

"Okay, so Dante and Vincenzo, you can sit behind Amaya and Luna," Mr. Smith says.

Is he for real? I look at Luna, but she's already looking at me as they walk our way. I look away, hoping he doesn't recognize me, my heart pounding.

I take a deep breath, Luna's hand now on mine. She looks at me and says, "It's okay."

After that, I manage to calm myself down. The class is finally over at 10:15, and it's break time, so I'll see the whole school, including Lucas. Ugh, I walk to the cafeteria, sit down to eat my food.

And Luna warns, "Lucas is coming this way." Dread fills me - I really don't want to face this failed abortion look-alike.

He sits next to me, uttering, "Amaya, I know you're mad. Can we talk?" Before I could answer, Luna steps in, fiercely declaring,

"She obviously doesn't want to talk to you. Go talk to your whore now; get going before I slit your throat." Luna's words send shivers down my spine; her protective stance both terrifies and comforts me.

"I obviously don't want to talk to you, Luna. I'm talking to Amaya," he says, now mad. The tension rises, and I assert,

"Lucas, it's better if you get going. I don't want to talk to you. Get the hell out of my face," annoyance dripping from my words.

While I say that, the girl he fucked from the party with joins in, "Hey baby, what's going on? Is she annoying you?"

I roll my eyes in frustration, im clearly the one irritated. Her shrill voice grates on my nerves, and I don't even want to dignify her with a response. But I still do, "take your man and get going," I say, trying to focus on my food.

The girl retorts, "And what if I don't go? Are you gonna do something about it?"

Luna answers this time, saying, "Selfish hoe, you clearly see that you are annoying us. You think it's cute to mess with people who are dating. You clearly don't go self-respect with that damn PTSD of yours." Luna's words cut through the tension,

And I look at the girl who now has tears in her eyes. She walks away with Lucas. "Finally, she is so damn annoying. I can't stand it. I'm so tired of this," I say to Luna.

"I know, and it's okay to feel that way, but I promise you everything will get better, so don't worry about that hoe," she says, comforting me.

We talk and gossip about these people, and the cafeteria becomes silent. You could hear a fork drop to the ground. I hear whispers, "I heard they run a mafia."

Every time I hear that word, it infuriates me. Luna and I look that way and see three handsome men - two from our class and another, probably in a different class.

Anyway, the lunch break is almost over, so I grab my things with Luna. We walk to our lockers and get our books for the next period. While walking to the art class, I bump into something that feels like a whole wall. "Move out of my way," someone says.

And when I look up, oh damn, it's the boy from the party. I'm too shocked to even speak. I think I sat on the ground for 2 minutes until Luna finally dragged me to the art class.

We sit in our usual seats; luckily, the boy from the party isn't in this class. While we get our things, we see a girl, probably around our age. She seems so cute with long curly black hair, big blue ocean eyes, full lips, and a perfect body. "Ew, she is so ugly," I hear someone say.

It's Camilla, always jealous. "Camilla, stop. You look like a dehydrated horse," I retort because she always has something to say about others.

"Okay, girls, enough. This is our new classmate Arya. Arya, please introduce yourself," Mrs. Brown says.

Arya nods and starts to talk nervously, "H-hi, I'm Arya, and I turned 17 in July. I d-don't have much to say." Awh, she is shy, but later she will feel comfortable.

"Okay, class, before we start, there is a project you have to work on in groups of three people. Y'all can choose who you want to be in a group with," she explains.

I look at Luna and ask her if Arya can join us. "Hey, Arya, would you like to be in a group with us?" Luna and I ask at the same time. "Yes, of course," she answers.

We walk to our seats and sit down. "So, Arya, where are you actually from?" Luna asks her.

"Oh, I'm from Italy," she answers nervously. "That's amazing because Amaya is also from Italy," Luna says to her.

"Oh really? That's nice." After that, the conversation slowly dies, and we work on the project; we have to finish it in three weeks.

"Girls, if you both have time, you can come over, and we can finish the project," Mrs. Brown suggests. Luna and I just nod. The class is finally over, and we say goodbye to Arya


This chapter is quite long. If there are any errors, please let me know. I hope you all enjoyed it 💕

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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