Chapter 23

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Week later

I am anxiously pacing around the living room, waiting for Luna to arrive. We had planned to hang out at my place that day, but i couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Why am i feeling weird lately whatsup with that.

Just as i was about to call Luna to cancel our plans, the doorbell rang. I let out a sigh of relief and rushed to open the door. As soon as i saw Luna's smiling face, all my worries disappeared and i greeted her with a tight hug.

As we settled down on the couch, i couldn't help but blurt out, 'I think I'm late for my period.' i had been keeping this to myself for a few days now, but i felt like i needed to tell someone.

Luna's expression immediately changed to one of concern. 'How late?' she asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

'Almost a week,' i replied, her voice trembling slightly what if i'm pretty.

Luna reached into her bag and pulled out a pregnancy test what's this bitch even doing with one. 'Girl i dare you to take it maybe im finally being an aunt.' she said, handing it to me. 'Let's find out for sure.'

My eyes widened in shock. 'You carry a pregnancy test with you?' i asked incredulously.

Luna shrugged. 'You never know when you might need it,' she replied with a mischievous grin. 'Come on, take the test. I'll be here with you.'

I took the test and went to the bathroom, with Luna waiting anxiously outside the door. As i waited for the results, my mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts. Im only 18, still in college, and not ready to be a mother, but maybe i'm not who knows.

As the timer went off, i emerged from the bathroom with tears in my eyes. Luna immediately enveloped me in a hug, sensing that i was indeed pregnant.

'I'm pregnant,' i whispered, my voice breaking.

Luna held me at arm's length and looked into my eyes. 'It's going to be okay,' she said firmly. 'We'll figure this out together.'

I couldn't help but feel grateful for having a supportive and understanding friend. I knew that Luna would always be there for me, no matter what.

¨But bitch, do you at least know who the babydaddy is.¨ luna asks me.

¨girl why you acting like i fucked 273 people i just fucked 1 the whole time and it was dante¨ i say whispering and still crying.

¨fuck it i'm happy as fuck because im being THE rich auntie.¨ she says chuckling at me.

¨But will you tell him that you're pregant because he deserevs to know¨ Luna says she has a point there, but i think im not ready.

¨im not ready to be a mother¨ i say sobbing luna hugs me and says everything will be okay.

As we sat on the couch, discussing our options and what the future might hold, i'm so scared, but also filled with a sense of responsibility and leave this city maybe i will

"Luna," I confess, a heavy sigh escaping me, "I think I want to leave the city and go away for a while to clear my head."

Her eyes meet mine, reflecting a mix of concern and understanding. "If you want that, I will support you," she replies gently. "I wish I could come with you, but you know how my fiancé is." A tear glistens in the corner of her eye, and I can't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her situation.

I blurt out, "But what do I tell my father? Do you think he will be okay with that? What the hell do I even tell Dante?" what do I do with it? what do i do with the baby.

Luna leans in "Listen, bitch, keep the baby if you want, though because I know you won't get an abortion. If you go to the other side of the country, I will help you with everything. I just want you to be happy." she replies almost crying i hug her and thank her for being here for me.

As I sat down with Luna at my bedroom, I knew it was time to finally make a plan. For a day, she had helping me with starting fresh somewhere new. And now, we were finally going to make it happen.

'So, have you thought about how you're going to do this?' Luna asked, taking a sip of her latte.

I took a deep breath and nodded. 'Yeah, I think I have an idea. But it's going to involve telling my dad a little lie.'

Luna raised an eyebrow in curiosity. 'What do you mean?'

'I mean, I'm going to tell him that I got accepted at a university on the other side of the country and that I have to leave immediately,' I explained.

Luna's eyes lit up with excitement. 'That's actually smart. He'll never suspect a thing. And it gives you a reason to leave.'

I nodded in agreement. 'Exactly. And the best part is, I'm only going to tell him. No one else can know about this. Not even our closest friends.'

Luna leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. 'Why not?'

'Because I don't want anyone to know that i'm pregnant and especially Dante can't know. We have to keep this between us until i'm ready to go,' I replied.

Luna nodded in understanding. 'Okay, so when are you planning on telling your dad?'

'I was thinking tomorrow. That way, I can start packing and getting everything ready to leave,' I said.

Luna grinned. 'I can't believe this is happening. You really been talking about this for so long, and now it's actually going to happen.'

I smiled back, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness wash over me. Leaving everything behind and starting fresh was a big step, but I knew it was the right decision for me.

The next day, I sat my dad down and told him the news. I could see the shock and disappointment in his eyes, but I reassured him that it was an amazing opportunity and that I couldn't pass it up.

'I'll only be gone for a year, maybe two at the most. And I promise to visit as often as I can,' I said, trying to ease his worries.

My dad took a deep breath and nodded. 'Okay, I understand. But promise me you'll keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.'

I hugged him tightly, feeling a pang of guilt for lying to him. But I knew this was for the best, and I promised to call him every week and keep him updated on my new life.

As I started packing my belongings, Luna helped. We went through everything and decided what i wanted to keep and what i could leave behind. It was a bittersweet moment, saying goodbye to the place I had called home for so long.

Luna helped me loading up the car and started the journey to the other side of the country, I couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come. I had always talked about exploring new places and making new memories, and now i can do it where no one knows who i really am.

As i arrived at the new city, I couldn't believe how different it was from the small town where i stayed. The tall buildings, bustling streets, and diverse culture were a world away from what I was used to. But I was ready for the change.

We found an apartment in the heart of the city, and my dad is paying for everything 'study opportunity,' we were able to even find an apartment. It was small, but it was enough for me. And it was the perfect starting point for a normal life i'm now 3 weeks pregnant.
Amaya really left the country. What will Dantes reaction even be y'all i'm thinking just 15 more chapters, and then finishing this book because i really want to write Lunas book.

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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