Chapter 16

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As I stepped onto the school bus, the buzz of excitement enveloped the air. Laughter and chatter echoed, and there they were-Dante and Stella-laughing together amidst the lively crowd.

Seats filled up quickly, and my eyes caught Dante deliberately choosing to sit beside Stella, leaving an empty seat next to him. A bit puzzled, I hesitated before finding a seat behind them.

"Why is he sitting next to her? He told me she's just a side hoe to him," I express to Luna, annoyed and frustrated. "Amaya, I don't want to be mean, but he's a player. Every woman he's involved with is just a hoe to him," she says, her words stinging a bit. Luna might be right; maybe I'm no different from them. After a while, we arrive at the resort.

The school bus eased into the resort, and the lively chatter of excited students filled the air. Stepping off, I took in the breathtaking snowy landscape surrounding us. Luna walked by my side, offering a supportive smile. "Let's focus on enjoying the trip, Amaya. We're here to have a good time," she said, trying to lift my spirits.

As we entered the resort, the winter unfolded, with snow-covered pine trees framing the path to the cozy lodge. Laughter echoed from fellow students, adding to the festive atmosphere. I took a deep breath, attempting to shake off the unease from the bus ride. Dante and Stella headed towards the lodge together, their laughter blending with the surroundings.

Taking Luna's advice to heart, I suggested, "Let's check out the planned activities. Maybe some skiing or hot cocoa by the fireplace could lighten the mood."

We strolled towards the lodge, the crunch of snow beneath our boots creating a rhythmic soundtrack. Inside, warmth enveloped us, contrasting the chilly exterior. The scent of pine and the crackling sound of a fireplace greeted us as we joined the gathering of students.

A signboard caught my eye, detailing the schedule of events. "There's a bonfire tonight, and tomorrow they're organizing a group skiing session. What do you think?" I asked Luna, hoping to shift the focus from the earlier bus ride.

Luna nodded, her eyes brightening. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make the most of this trip and create some positive memories."

Entering the lobby, the warmth enveloped Luna and me, a welcomed reprieve from the winter chill outside. Our room, as Luna opened the door, revealed a cozy space adorned with winter-themed decor. Excitement bubbled within us as we prepared to settle in.

Unpacking our bags became a cheerful task, with clothes neatly placed in the wardrobe and toiletries organized in the bathroom. Laughter and light conversation accompanied the process.

Just as we got comfortable, the door creaked open, revealing Arya. "Hey, guys!" she greeted with a warm smile. Luna and I returned the greeting, exchanging friendly expressions. Arya mentioned, "I'm staying with my other friends in a different room, but I wanted to say hi before we get too caught up in our own plans."

"Of course! It's great to see you, Arya. Have a fantastic time with your friends," I replied as Arya left.

Not far away, Dante and Stella were at the center of a small gathering, their conversation filled with animated exchanges. As the group began to disperse, Stella turned to Dante, a playful glint in her eyes.

"See you tonight, Dante," I overheard her say, the words landing with a subtle weight. Luna gave me a gentle nudge, sensing the tension in the air.

"Go get your men now," Luna said, looking me in the eyes.

"Are you serious? How is she everywhere?"

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